22 "Im not Chuck Bass without you"

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It's sunny today. and Chuck and I are going well.

It has been almost a month since he told me ' I love you' I think the day was the best day of my life.

I'm getting ready for this afternoon. Chuck texted me this morning that he want to show me something.


"Hey Chuck" I walked closer to him.

"Hey" he smiled and kissed on my cheek.

"So....?" I said.

"This." he looked up then I looked up too. But all I could see was The Empire Hotel.

"Chuck only I can see is just this hotel..." I said.

"Yea, I bought this." he smirked.

"WHAT!? you bought empire?"

"I did. Will you support me?" he looked down and looked at me.

I smiled and said. "I will. always" we kissed.


Tonight Chuck will have an opening party at his new hotel Empire. I'm going to wear a blue short dress. {{A PHOTO OF THE COVER OF THIS CHAPTER!}}

He must be busy so I invited Serena and Blair to the party.


"Hey Serena and Blair!" I said.

"Hey Mikayla. This party is amazing! Chuck did great." Serena said.

We had little chat then I went to toilet. I close the door and I heard some girls maybe 2 girls' talking.

"Did you hear that?" one girl said.

"Hear what?" other said.

"Chuck Bass has a girlfriend!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yea but I'm sure he will leave her soon. He can't enjoy with ONLY one girl you know." they laughed.

.....they're true. What if I'm not enough for him? He will leave me to other girls?

I opened the door and went out the toilet.

"Mikayla! Where are you going?" Blair said.


"Why? What's wrong?" Serena said in a soft voice.

I told Serena and Blair what I heard in the toilet.

"Mikayla....he won't...he wont get bored ...don't worry" Serena said.

"But he is Chuck Bass and I'm just Mikayla Ross....." I almost cried.

"We could never be boring." someone said on my back. I turned back. It was Chuck. He heard our conversation.

"You say that but I know you...you're Chuck Bass." I said. my voice was shaking...

"I am not Chuck Bass without you." he took my hand and kissed it.

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