Chapter 35 ×EMMIE×

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The week flew by, between work and school, it was already Saturday. When I woke up Saturday, I went downstairs to find the Mom had made chocolate chip pancakes and bacon.

       I was getting used to the new and improved Mom. She had a steady job as a receptionist at a hotel downtown and I haven't seen her drink any alcohol lately. Now she always made us breakfast and dinner whenever she was home.

       I took my seat beside Chloe and across from Asher, whose face was now fully healed, but we still haven't been talking. "Morning sunshine," Mom greeted me. Chloe smiled at me while Asher just sat and ate his food, silently.

       I told Chloe that she could come with me to the mall today to pick out an outfit for my date tonight. Stephen would be here soon to pick us up and he said he had a surprise for me, though I had no clue what it was.

       Mom left for work after we ate and I went up to brush my teeth again and grabbed my bag, meeting Chloe on the porch. She chattered excitedly, asking me questions about my relationship and our first kiss. Then she paused and asked another question. "Have you guys had sex yet?" I snapped my head to her. "No, Chloe! If I did, I'll let you know." She crooked a condescending eyebrow at me. 

       "Will you really?" I smirked and said "I plead the fifth on that." We were both laughing as we heard an engine purr down the road towards us. I looked over and my jaw literally dropped. A silver BMW convertible was making its way towards us, stopping in our driveway.

       Stephen stepped out with a big smile on his face. "Whose car is that," I asked, bewildered. He tossed something at me and I reflexively caught the object. I opened my palm again, staring blankly at the keys in my hand. "It's yours," Stephen said in answer to my question.

       I looked up at him, praying that he wasn't just messing with me. "Are- are you serious," I stuttered. He laughed and nodded. 

       "I know your birthday isn't until next month, but surprise!" He threw up jazz hands and I stood up and flung myself into his arms. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you," I squealed. He laughed again and I suddenly pulled back. 

       "How were you able to afford this?" He shrugged. 

       "I have a buddy who works at the dealership and he owed me for something back in the day, so I was able to get a discount. Plus, I've been saving the money ever since you got your driver's license. Next is Chloe, over here," he said, gesturing towards my little sister. 

       I hugged him again, smacking a kiss on his cheek and ran to my new car. "Will you drop me off at the hotel by the mall so I can get my car back from your mom," he asked. I nodded and we all got in, Chloe climbing into the backseat. I sat for a moment, admiring everything and taking it all in, inhaling the new car smell. It had a built in GPS, a new stereo, and the air conditioning was amazing.

       I cranked the car, listening to the sweet engine purr. I threw it in drive and pulled away, heading downtown.

       I dropped Stephen off at the hotel, thanking him again and pulled into the crowded mall parking lot. We got out and went inside. Chloe pulled me into almost every clothing store that we passed, making me try on dresses and skirts and shoes, but none of them felt right.

       We had been walking around for hours and my feet were starting to hurt. Though I was tired, Chloe Was still energized, enjoying herself. Finally, I put my foot down.

       "We're not going to find anything in here, Chloe. We've been to almost every fucking store in the whole mall, if we were going to find anything, we would have done it already," I said. She looked around, determined. Her eyes landed on a store and she looked up at me, eyes pleading. "Just this last one, okay?" 

       I rolled my eyes and relented, letting her drag me to one last store. We separated ways, each looking on opposite sides. I didn't see anything that caught my eye until Chloe came running up to me. She was holding a strapless dress with a sweetheart neckline. It was a pale blue with intricate sapphire blue designs all over it. I took it from her as she shoved me into the dressing room.

        I pulled it on and zipped it up. It was a little more above my knees but it wasn't too bad. It hugged my body nicely and was soft. I twisted and turned every which way, looking at my reflection. I loved it. It made my green eyes seem to have a blue tint to them and I stepped outside for Chloe to see. She gasped when she saw me and clapped her hands in delight.

        I went back in to take it off so we could buy it. I paid for it and we went to grab lunch in the food court, talking about random things. When we finished we went out to find my new car on the far end of the lot. I was so ready for this date. But I was also nervous as hell.

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