25. you told me how proud you were

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A small filler chapter. 

December 22, 2017

The Chambre de Chasse 

Sugar...ooh honey honey...

Music blared from the record player on the front porch of the large home, providing a mood booster and tone setter for the events to unfold. In the front yard stood the Mikaelson siblings and niece. It was another warm and sunny day, only a few clouds in the sky. Everyone was in a cheerful mood.

Poppy moved her feet further apart from each other in the grass, leaning to one side to stretch her leg, then switched to the other side. The tribrid wore a pair of loose shorts and a red sports jersey, and her hair had been pulled into a ponytail. After stretching, Poppy hopped to bring her feet back to where they were. 

"You are my candy girrrrl, and you got me wanting youuu!" She sang happily, tightening her ponytail and looking in front of her at her aunt Rebekah, who also wore a sports outfit, leggings and at shirt. "Bring it on, Auntie Bex." She smirked, leaning forward a bit. 

Rebekah smiled. "You're so going down, little girl." 

"Enough talk," Kol said from behind Poppy. He wore jeans and a plain shirt. "Let's get this started." 

Freya walked to stand with her niece and sister, holding a soccer ball in her hands. "All right, everyone. Do I need to go over the rules?" She asked. 

Elijah, who wore black pants and a shirt, surprisingly, smiled. "I believe we all know the rules, sister." He replied, feeling a bit impatient. 

"Okay then!" Freya held her hand up in mock defense and smirked. She tossed up the ball and quickly jogged out of little field they had made. The game was fun to watch; a few goals were made by Poppy and a few by Rebekah. They did not go easy on each other, they would body check one another and trip each other. The game was full of laughs and playful taunts.

Poppy ran down the field, kicking the soccer ball as she did, Rebekah right on her tail. She smiled, kicking the ball towards the goal, but Elijah stopped it and picked it up with his hands. He threw it into the field and they continued to play. After a little while they switched positions. The girls were the goalies and the boys were kicking the ball, and they were rougher, but it was all in fun. 

"Who's winning, Freya?" Poppy asked, grabbing the front of her jersey with her fingertips and airing it out of bit, attempting to cool down. She let put a breath, not realizing how hot it was until she had a moment to think about her body.

Freya looked at her, standing on the sidelines. "Elijah and Rebekah." She replied.

Poppy rolled her eyes with a smile. "Of course." She said, wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead. She resumed her standing position as goalie, bending her knees and leaning forward. She watched as Elijah kicked the ball towards her, Kol following close behind. Elijah ran over and picked Poppy up by her legs, swinging her over his shoulder as he kicked the ball into the goal. She laughed, hanging partially upside down. What a cheater, but she didn't mind. "Elijah! You're cheating!" She laughed. 

"Oh, am I?" He smirked, looking back at Kol, who was airing out his shirt by grabbing the front. Kol smiled. 

"You totally are." The younger brother replied in place of his niece. He took a few steps forward. "All right, now let the poor girl on her feet."

Poppy stepped into her bedroom, letting her hair down from the aching ponytail it was in with a rough movement. Curse her curly hair. It was pretty, but a complete pain in the ass. She wished she had pin straight hair every time she woke up instead of a rats nest...but it was one of the only parts of her that she got from her mother..besides her nose. She let out a soft sigh, remembering how she felt whenever her mother wasn't around...were her own kids feeling that way? Did they miss her? She was gone so much, were they use to it? They're better off with Silas. She thought to herself, walking to the mirror.  In her reflection she saw a woman. She was thin, had brilliant blue eyes, curling brown hair. She looked mature in the face, tired too, but at the moment she had a little sparkle of joy. Behind her eyes she saw a sadness. Poppy shook her head and turned away from the mirror, walking to the bookshelf. 

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