31. do you remember what happened

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I may or may not have cried a lot last night because the TVD part of Poppy's story is almost over...what's something you want to see before it ends? I'll try my best to make it happen. (Pleeeeeeaaaasssseeeee let me know, it'll mean a lot)

February 15, 2018

Rockland, New York 

On the Road

Poppy took a deep breath through her nose, which was also a sniffle, and leaned her head back against the headrest, bringing a hand to her stomach. She felt hot, and nauseous, and dizzy. On her cheeks were dried tears, which made little white lines down her rosy cheeks. A whimper of discomfort and pain escaped from between her lips as she brought her fingers to the button that rolled the window up and down, and she pushed down on it, allowing the cold February air to hit her face, giving her temporary relief from the heat that she felt. She closed her eyes.

Stefan, who was driving, his bloodied hands on the steering wheel, looked over at her in worry. "You're getting worse." Worse than yesterday, he meant. The pair had spent the night in a motel, and he took all the time possible to take care of his daughter, not caring about himself. She was clean of the dirt and blood, she wore a new set of clothes (leggings and a white long sleeved shirt) that they bought, and he gave her what medicine they could find in a CVS, but he was still in his bloody clothes and his hands were still covered in what used to be Enzo St. John. 

"I'll be fine." She managed to say, though her voice said otherwise. 

He looked at the road, then back at her, not caring if his foot pressed harder on the gas pedal. "Poppy, you need a hospital."

His daughter shook her head. "We need to keep with the plan." 

"Which is what again?" Stefan asked, looking at the road. 

Without opening her eyes, Poppy rolled them. "I've explained it to you three times already." 

"It's my human brain," he lied to her "I forgot it." Stefan really just wanted to keep her talking, to keep her awake. He was afraid that if she fell asleep she wouldn't wake up. And it'd be his fault. 

Poppy turned her head and cleared her throat. "We get out of New York, going around the city and going through New Jersey. We'll stop and get some food, and then we'll head to the Carolinas, where we'll spend the night. In the morning we'll leave for Georgia, and then New Orleans." 

"To do what?"

"To form a group of vampires and witches to protect me." 

Stefan nodded. "Which is what you should've done in the first place." 

Poppy coughed a few times, then turned her head so it was in a comfortable position. "I'd rather die then have the people protecting me die." She told him, her voice weak. "The battle isn't worth it, we're not going to win." 

Her adoptive father frowned, looking at her. "Don't talk like that, we're going to beat this."

"Are we?" She asked before coughing again. Her body became relaxed, and her breathing slowed. 

Stefan frowned, glancing between the road and his daughter. "Poppy?" No response. "Poppy, what's the plan again?" He asked, but still there was no response. "How far until New Jersey?"

Poppy parted her lips tiredly, still conscious, but hanging on by a thread. She took a breath and let it. "Only..thirty minutes. I'm so tired, Stefan..." 

"I know, just hold on." He reached over and took her hand into his, rubbing his thumb back and forth, though she showed no response. She had fallen asleep, and there was nothing he could do. "It's okay, baby.." He said quietly, his voice shaking. "You tried your best.." The human let go of her hand and places his back onto the steering wheel, looking at the road. 

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