One- "I'm feeling pretty in my pink."

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Michael hummed to himself as he skipped, swinging his bag slightly

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Michael hummed to himself as he skipped, swinging his bag slightly. He frowned when the man let out a scream, going quicker into the room where he was held. He sat his bag on the floor and crossed his arms, shaking his head as he stood before the man. Crouching down to his bag, he took a gag and duct tape out. He shoved the gag forcefully into the other mans mouth, taping it over just in case.

He sat back on his knees as he unpacked his bag, setting his things out in perfect alignment and only adding to the mans fear as he screamed again. Michael ignored the muffled cries for help, brushing off his skirt when he stood from the ground with his favorite butterfly knife. He flicked it open with ease, showing off his skill to the victim as he eyed his body for a moment.

The mans face turned a deep shade of red when tears started to pour down, making Michael frown because a puffy face wasn't pretty like he wanted it to be. He took a pink party napkin from his bag, moving closer to the man to wipe his face off so he wouldn't have more work later on when the tears had already dried. The mans tears seemed to stop in his confusion of Michael's gentle actions.

That made Michael smile again, wiping the last stray tears and dropping the napkin back into his bag to throw away later. His hands were soft as the gripped the mans chin, forcing the blue and green to clash together.

"You have very pretty eyes, sir," He nicely complemented before adding, "White and blue go lovely with pink."

He pressed the blade into the mans neck, watching as the Adam's apple bobbed for a second before stilling in fearful paralysis. He gave one last innocent, childlike smile before letting the blade slide across his neck. Blood spilled from the slit Michael had caused, drooling down the mans naked chest from his neck. He choked out a few incoherent words, listening to Michael's deafeningly sweet words of comfort as he life faded away rapidly.

Michael took a step back and grabbed a napkin, wiping his knife off and staining the pink with the red life force from the mans neck. Flicking his blade closed once more, Michael sat it away and grabbed a pair of latex gloves. They snapped against his skin as he pulled them on, turning to face the man, who's head lolled back. He wrapped his glove clothed fingers around his neck, pressing to the slit a little more and causing the last bit of blood to pour out over his protected hands.

He folded the gloves inside out when he took them off, putting it into his bag alongside the soiled napkins, before pulling on some new gloves. He grabbed a needle and some thread, focusing immensely on getting the thread through the needle so he could get to work. His tongue was poking out of the side of his mouth, a tell of his concentration as he began sewing the mans neck back together.

He began humming again, shaking his bum a little to what he hummed as he worked. A giggle left his lips when he finished his sewing, running a finger over the mended skin of the blue eyed mans neck. He took his knife back out, cutting the end of his thread and putting it all back into his bag. Taking his knife, he cut the man down, barely catching him before he dropped completely.

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