Twenty Eight: "It's Ugly to See it, isn't it?"

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Michael wondered what Ashton would show him, what would happen to him for stepping in the way of Ashton's rage against the cop in their basement

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Michael wondered what Ashton would show him, what would happen to him for stepping in the way of Ashton's rage against the cop in their basement. He was quiet, deciding it would be better to not voice his fear of the man in the driver seat as they drove to what he assumed to be Calum's apartment because of the route Ashton drove.

He shouldn't have said anything but he could hear Ashton's promising voice as he spoke threats to Calum. Ashton would do as he said to Calum without a blink of an eye if Michael hadn't stepped forward. He thought he remembered everything but he obviously didn't. What else could Ashton possibly reveal to him that would make him hate Calum?

He should've had those resentment driven feelings towards the Maori man already, especially after remembering the lies of coming back when all Calum did was forget him at the asylum in the four years after convincing him to go. That was horrible to Michael already, what else could Calum have done to him?

They got out together, Michael trailing behind the honey haired boy as they climbed the steps to Calum's apartment. It was off limits, door behind a flimsy strip of caution tape, that all the other tenants respected and strayed from. Ashton ripped it down, going into his top toes and brushing his fingers over the framing of the door and taking the piece of tape that held the key.

Such a rudimentary way to hide a key, Michael thought as he followed Ashton into the now open house. His eyes drifted as he walked through the cold and dark apartment from its lack of life, going over to Calum's board of connection that hadn't been touched since last time he was here with Ashton and he had destroyed the work of Calum's mind, narrowing it down to the photo of a beaten Calum in the middle of it all.

He went further, Ashton leading the way to Calum's bedroom and stepping inside. The bed was unmade, wallet, badge and phone still on the counter and his curtains drawn halfway. It was paused, only waiting for Calum to come back and finish the scene it was left in by his sudden disappearance.

He watched as Ashton went into Calum's closet, the tiny room an unhinged mess by the basket overflowing with clothes and the claustrophobic inducing amount of clothes in such a small space. Ashton grabbed a kiddy backpack from the clutter on the floor from where it was pushed behind everything; probably to keep it from being found or just to make it look more mundane in the rest of the closet.

He unzipped it as he moved over to the bed, taking the notebook out that looked like it belonged to some edgy middle schooler. It was covered in random white drawings that contrasted with the black background, disturbed colorings on it that seemed scratched by how many times the person had ran over it with a white colored pencil.

"It was Luke's first. He's the one who drew all over it." Ashton explained as Michael eyed the drawings. "We never really used it for anything outside of writing something twisted in it or letting Luke use it to distract himself while we were out."

Michael nodded, watching as Ashton filed through it before setting it down in front of him. "Calum kept it and he used it to write down what we did, like documented it. He always wanted to go back and see the things we had left behind."

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