Twelve- "Pretty Turns Into Ugly When You're Hurt."

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Calum pulled a chair to the side of Liz's bed, watching her smile again when she noticed he was staying for a real visit for the first time in years

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Calum pulled a chair to the side of Liz's bed, watching her smile again when she noticed he was staying for a real visit for the first time in years. He shrugged his jacket off, laying it on the back of his chair as he leaned on his knees with his forearms. He watch the aged woman before him, reminding himself of her younger self, like she was probably doing to him.

"What're you doing here, Calum? What's on your mind?"

"Luke's at it again. A new boy and-"

"Zayn. I know, sweetie. Zayn isn't your problem. He's nothing but a distraction, so why are you really here?" She told him, waving a hand through the air as he chuckled at her all knowingness.

"I don't know. I was hoping you could tell me."

A small slick smile was on her lips, eyes closed as she reached out to grab Calum's hand, "You know I can't throw my baby under the bus, not even for you. I didn't do it seven years ago and I won't do it now."

Calum nodded though she wasn't looking at him as she played with his fingers. Calum didn't know why he came because he knew Liz would never say a bad word about Luke, no matter how much she knew her son was a psychopath. She didn't necessarily protect Luke from any consequences to his actions but she never spoke more out what she needed to. She was selective with what she said, Luke got his smarts from his mother.

Calum leaned forward, laying his head on her lap, feeling her hands thread through his hair as he closed his eyes, letting himself curl up into a younger version of himself. She smiled to herself, a gentle upturn of her lips as her fingers dragged through Calum's brown curls.


She was silent for a moment, searching for something new to reveal to Calum that he should know about himself but didn't, "July 19, four days after Luke broke your nose and your front tooth and you detached his retina."

Luke opened the door with an eyepatch over his right eye, an arm thrown around his shorter boy with a deadly glare, even with his only one light blue eye visible. Ashton bit his bright red lip, the purpose smudge on the ending of his lips adding to the rest of his outfit. He smiled at the olive skinned boy, watching as Calum's tongue glided over the chip in his front tooth.

"Are you two gonna act like this whole time we're out? Because that's going to kill the mood." He glanced between two teens, who spared him a brief glance before looking at the other across from them. "Ugh, you guys are both being childish. Just apologize to each other so we can go!"

Ashton rolled his eyes, shrugging Luke's arm off his shoulder and pushing past Calum. He pulled his car door open, getting inside and slamming the door shut behind him. Turning the car on, he locked the doors and crawled into the backseat of the car and laid across the back of it. Calum and Luke both moved over to the car, watching him in confusion as he smiled through the car window at them. He leaned forward, turning the radio up on some random heavy metal channel before going to the window Luke was looking through with Calum.

He smiled at his boyfriend, pressing his lips to the glass and leaving an imprint of hot, red lipstick. Luke rolled his eyes, Ashton fake pouting at the tall blond before climbing back into the front seat. Calum's eyes widened, trying the locks of the car as he hit the window.

"Fucking stop, Ash. You don't know how to drive." He groaned, making Ashton mock him but his voice was drowned out by the music Ashton had turned up over everything.

He moved back from the car when Ashton decided to pull from the driveway, knowing that he'd either get his car back messed up in some way or have to pick it up from the impound. Luke smirked at his boyfriend, knowing Ashton would abandon the car or crash it purposely since they were being assholes.

"Why is your boyfriend like this? That's my fucking car!"

"Hey, you introduced us and he's your best friend. Plus, I already got my punishment. He's a fucking tease and I got this after dinner with my mum," He pulled his shirt up, showing off a long slice from his armpit to his waist, stitched together by his mum most likely. "This is yours. He'll come back in an hour or so, might as well wait it out."

Calum groaned again, trudging after Luke into his house, hoping Ashton would at least bring his car back on one piece and just scratched up. They fell back on the couch together, Luke turning the movie he was already watching with Ashton back on, Calum not surprised to a Skeet on the screen with his infamous mask on. Ashton was always watching the movie, quoting it when he could and staring with so much fascination it was concerning to people who didn't know the curly haired boy.

"How's your eye?"

"Well, I can't see out of it and the doctors said I might be legally blind or at least have some type of blurring in my vision, but it's fine. Your nose?"

"I can't smell and it clicks every time I scrunch it up but it's fine. I'm sorry." He told him, watching Luke shrug out the corner of his eye.

"It's cool. Next time, fuck off of Ashton or I'll let him deal with you." Luke advised, chuckling at the smart fear in Calum's eyes as he nodded.

Ashton turned up after a few hours, laughing to himself as he walked into Luke's house where both teens were still seated. He gasped when he saw Scream on again, tossing Calum's keys at the Maori boy and jumping into Luke's lap with a squeal. Luke wrapped his arm around Ashton's waist lazily, the younger boy mouthing the words and mimicking the actions of Casey's murder. He frowned when Luke whispered in his ear, crossing his arms when Luke paused the movie. Rolling his eyes, he looked at Calum with a smirk.

"My car was at West Sycamore, lit on fire." Calum finished, looking to Liz as she nodded. "I slapped Ashton after he called me a bitch because I couldn't take him cutting something into my chest after I did it to him."

"He still has Cal written over his heart and you have an A." Liz pressed her hand to where his scar was, Calum looking down at her hand. "You hurt him a lot and he let you but you could never let him hurt you, neither can Luke. One day, soon too, he's going to snap."

"I know. I'm just hoping I can catch him before he does."

"Will you be able to actually turn him in when the time comes?" Liz questioned.

Calum remained silent, feeling Liz's finger trace over the A on his chest before laying her hand back to her lap, taking his silence as an answer.


I like Liz. Both the fictional version I've made and the real one. Y'all should follow her on Instagram for some wholesome, pretty pictures.

Buuuuuttt thank you for reading. Have a question with your grapes ....(>~<)/ 🍇. Do you like the movie Scream because I really love that movie. It was one of this first horror movies I watched.

And, what do you think about Calum's and Liz's relationship or the memory she brought up?

Until next chapter, funky freaks. Adios.....

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