Twenty Six: "Pretty, Pretty, Pretty-Ugly!"

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Calum's blood was dripping from his pale lips, the ruby colored red slowly becoming a puddle as he laid limp

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Calum's blood was dripping from his pale lips, the ruby colored red slowly becoming a puddle as he laid limp. He coughed roughly, blood hacking up in the back of his throats in a sticky clot. His head was pounding, his mind cloudy before it started to clear up as his eyes fluttered closed and Michael stepped back, unballing his bloody fist with a few sharp breaths.

Calum stood back, holding one of his arms close to him as Michael whispered out his mistakes to the blond, a tremble of his lips causing his words to fumble together and stutter. He glanced between the older boy and his boyfriend, moving his hand up to play with his bottom lip nervously. He couldn't read Luke, wishing Ashton was here to be the judge of what should go on after Michael finished his fearful confession.

He definitely shouldn't have pressed Michael into being honest, he knew that know as he stood and stared at the two of them. Luke hadn't made a move since he first stood up to tower over Michael and hear what he had to say about what was going on between his own boyfriend and the pink haired boy. He could've taken the fall, he should've taken the fall because he could take Luke, the physical and mental versions of hurt Luke would throw at him but not Michael, not his peach.

He was focused on Luke now more than anything, knowing Michael wouldn't be the one to lash out, especially with now he was cowering and his knees were shaking lightly as he played with the edge of his shirt and explained, looking closer to tears with every word he let slip from his lips. Luke's eyes switched, cloudy to focus in a split second as he abruptly reached forward and gripped at the collar of his shirt.

"You're so obsessed with being pretty that you couldn't-for a fucking second-think about my boyfriend? Maybe if you were ugly you'd learn to focus." He threatened, pulling Michael off his footing and onto his tip toes as he spoke with venom coated to his tone.

"I-I'm sorry, Luke. I didn't mean to-"

"You're so pretty. Pretty, Pretty, Pretty-ugly!"

Luke's voice got louder, bouncing off the walls and directly hitting Michael. He dropped Michael to his feet, catching to his shirt and ripping at his clothes before Calum finally stepped up and pushed him back. Michael moved behind his boyfriend, biting his lip as he held his arms close to his chest with tears in his eyes again because Luke was right and Calum shouldn't defend him from the truth.

"Fuck off, Luke! It was accident!"

"We don't make accidents, Calum! Especially not when they hurt my shit! You...You told him to do this! You killed my family and you almost killed Ashton! Now you're trying to run and protect him? You're only around for so much till duty calls and I swear I'll kill him when you're gone." Luke gritted out, glaring at Michael, who covered his face as he looked away.

He grabbed his keys, storming out of the house and slamming the door with enough force that the house could've dissipated into dust. Calum looked at his peach, Michael pushing at his hands that tried to reach out in comfort as he hiccuped through his soft tears. Calum knew better than to try and touch Michael again if he didn't want it, eyes on the green eyed boy, who wiped his tears only for new ones to take their slots on the tracks left behind on his pink colored cheeks.

"This is your fault! Luke is going to kill me, Ashton's in the hospital, and you're going to leave me here so you can be a stupid fucking cop. I shouldn't have listened to you."

Calum moved forward then, grabbing Michael's arms from his chest and pulling him forward, despite Michael trying to fight his touch. The pink haired boy struggled against his hold but Calum easily held him in his spot, though Michael didn't seem to care as he kept pushing with a light growl coming from the back of his throat.

"Stop it. Stop." Michael glared at him but stopped, letting himself go pliant against Calum's chest with an eye roll, "Peach, I'll fix this. I promise and Ashton wouldn't let Luke hurt you."

"This isn't about-I mean, it is but you shouldn't let Luke hurt me. You're my boyfriend, not Ashton. This is your fault, Calum. You used me and you need to fix this."

Michael's voice was lighter, looking up at Calum with those stupidly trustful green eyes because of course his boyfriend would fix it, even if he wasn't saying the right words to him now. Calum never knew what to say but it always worked out in the ending and Michael still had faith in the past.

Calum wasn't so sure but he didn't let Michael see that. He nodded though he knew he wasn't going to be able to protect Michael like Michael thought he would. He usually had Ashton on his side but now Ashton was the one on the other receiving end of the torture and he was the cause.

A sharp gasp came through his bloodied lips, arching his back against his restraints as he regained his consciousness. His eyes shot open, eyes flickering around rapidly before he was able to focus on the soft material touching at his torso and the soft green eyes staring at him. He calmed down a bit at Michael's face, relaxing back and shifting at the sharp pains in his sides and back.

"What did you do?" Michael asked, Calum's face blooming in confusion as he settled in his spot properly, "You were mumbling again, something about that you'll fix it and you said peach."

"I, uh, you did something to Ashton? Or, I did and you covered? I'm not sure. I didn't remember that far back."

Michael nodded, closing up his first aid kit quickly and leaning over to press a soft kiss to Calum's cheek before leaving back up the stairs and locking Calum back in the basement. Michael was right when he said his mind wasn't all there when he was with Calum. He was tore between his two personalities, wanting to hurt Calum until the man bled out his life and wanting to love Calum until the man bled out his love.

He tore Calum apart every time he came down to see the Maori man but quickly mended the rips in his system soon after if he was allowed. He wanted to see Calum suffer, wanted him to know exactly how he felt once he remembered what happened, but he didn't.

The past month was enough time to see that Ashton was right, as always, Michael's mind was broken and so was Calum's.


I'm flipping sick and tired of TikTok. It's taking all of my time up but darn, it's a good app.

Buuuuuttt thank you for reading. I like doing flashbacks of a better time. Well, not in this case but still. Anywho, we kinda get to see a bit more of what lead to why Calum is here now, don't we?

Until next chapter, funky freaks. Adios.....

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