Twenty Five: "Is it that Ugly?"

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Harry sighed to himself as Louis came back into the office with a new cup of coffee, the scent adding to the already prominent smell of endless cups of coffee and the faint scent of peppermint from Harry's long gone cup of tea

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Harry sighed to himself as Louis came back into the office with a new cup of coffee, the scent adding to the already prominent smell of endless cups of coffee and the faint scent of peppermint from Harry's long gone cup of tea.

He was tired and he wanted to go home, already feeling as though the small piece he shared hours ago in Cory's office was enough, but Louis wouldn't even let him leave his office, let alone go home. His boss had gotten caught up in something else minutes after his shocking reveal of Calum's past and Harry would've taken that opportunity to escape but Louis shot it down faster than he could breath out a word.

Cory was wired, high off the revelations of a case he'd been wasting away over and the suspense of knowing what Harry really knew and would uncover once Louis settled into his chair. He would be no doubt enamored by the story from years ago about Calum turning to a trainee in the same class as he was and finding someone who would stick his neck out for him.

No, Harry didn't regret covering for Calum and helping him, though he didn't understand the effects of what Calum's past was and what he had done to help the olive skinned boy until much later;he only regretted bringing it up, even if it felt and most likely was needed at the time.

He looked over at Cory, watching the glasses clad man brighten up in an ungodly way once he noticed Harry would finally start his story. Louis picked up his pencil, Harry internally apologizing to Calum beforehand because now he knew it was going on file and blew out a heavy breath.

"It was about a week before we started getting sent out to our actual academy for training," He started off.

A yawn broke past Harry's lips, an action of trying to stifle it unable to help when his sister stop mid sentence to send him off to bed before he could weakly lie that he wasn't tired and wanted to hear the end of her story. He still tried, unsuccessful when another yawn tumbled from his lips as soon as they opened again. He gave in when she gave him a goodnight and a promise of calling tomorrow, tiredly returning her goodnight, before she hung up and left him to drop his phone beside him.

He shuffled around his apartment, flicking off lights and putting the miscellaneous things away from when he should've did earlier. His eyebrows furrowed when his doorbell went off, the sound seemingly ten times louder in the dead of the night. Still, he abandoned the straightening of fake cases he made to test himself before his training to open the front door, surprised to find Calum on his doorstep. Tears tracked his pink tinted skin, blood dripping from his nose, eyebrow, and temple in small trails of red that matched the splatters on his shirt and the film of red on his hands. He sniffled, wiping his bloody nose on the back of his palm.

"Hey, um, could....could I come in?" He asked, voice hesitant, like Harry wouldn't let the hurt teen into his home.

He opened the door up the rest of the way, stepping to the side as Calum entered into his warm apartment and ran his hands down his arms a few times. He turned to Harry, the green eyed teen deciding to speak up as he met Calum's dazed looking eyes.

"What're you doing here, Cal? And why are you so beaten up?"

"Because I got beat up, Harry, and I needed to ask for some help." His voice was a little shaky, even at his lame attempt at a joke in the beginning and his lamer chuckle to follow it up.

"Of course, anything." Harry's reply was honest, voice drowned in sincerity because he was being genuine to his close friend.

Calum still shrugged, promise of not saying anything before he revealed what he needed;words cracking into desperation from his faux nonchalant as he spoke of eradicating his past. Harry agreed easily, not sure what Calum meant but wanting to help regardless. He clammed up when Calum gripped his shoulders, the grip of his fingers tightening as he made Harry swear on his life not to tell a soul of what he would say and what they would do.

Harry nodded, repeating the swear back to the shaken boy twice when Calum's grip became hurtful on accident and he made him swear once more. His hands dropped to his side, waiting for what Calum would tell him.

"I've done a lot of fucked up things, Harry, and I don't want to do it anymore. I's not very easy to just drop my past and I'm only telling you this shit because I trust you and you're the only person I've got left now, okay?"

"Calum, I'm sure whatever you've done isn't nearly as bad as-" Harry tried to sympathize but Calum cut him off with a distant voice of an emotion Harry couldn't exactly pinpoint.

"I killed someone."


"I killed someone. Like, I just did it for the first time. Well, first three times but it was an accident. And, I hurt someone to the point of hospitalization. I made my boyfriend believe he's criminally insane and made him believe that this was all his fault. I dropped him off at an insane asylum and on my way over here, I was ran off the road."

Harry's stunned silence was expected, Calum's glossy, brown eyes waiting for a reaction but knew it wouldn't come very soon. He kept quiet though, letting Harry process the information given. The long haired brunet occasionally opened his mouth, as if he had a response, only to close it at as his dumbfounded feeling.

He eventually did speak up, still in the action of processing what Calum had spoke to him a few minutes ago. He nodded, watching Calum tilt his head before he spoke.

"Yeah, um, okay. I'm not sure what you want me to do but I'll help." He agreed with another nod, stiffening silently when Calum hugged him before wrapping the boy in his arms.

"If you ever tell anyone this story, just know that it means there's not point in saving me anymore. When you tell someone else, you didn't have to keep my secrets and you can forget me." Calum breathed out softly.

"I think if I tell someone, I'd be more inclined to save you. So, I don't think I'll be forgetting you when the time comes, Cal." His words held promise and Calum nodded, even if he didn't believe Harry at the time.

Louis dropped his pen at the ending of Harry's detailing into changing Calum's past into something that would protect rather than leave him open to the harm of his old friends. His name stayed the same but everything underneath was absolutely terminated and rebuilt as a normal backstory.

Calum wasn't a boy that was in and out of foster care, adopted by Liz Hemmings for two years to live along with Ashton and Luke; then given to Joy, David, and Mali Hood to complete the family but fell apart in such a normal setting that it set him off even more till the point of multiple hospitalizations and the labeling of mentally ill due to untreated ASPD symptoms. He wasn't the boy that hurt the ones he loved and poisoned another innocent boy because he envied the fact that there was someone who was close to him that was kind of okay. Nor was he the boy that had a tormented soul and used his smarts to cause the downfalls of others before he finally snapped and learned the cruelty of his life.

Calum was the boy, who was in and out of foster cares until he found a loving family-A family that nurtured him into the perfect, little boy. He was the boy that was normal and wanted to become a cop, had his dreams come true, and lived a normal life.

Calum Thomas Hood became the man that was a complete and utter lie.


Ahhhh, we finally got background on Calum and, I think it's safe to say now, he's not a really good cop.

Buuuuuttt thank you for reading. Some shocking, not really shocking, reveals? What do you think about Harry keeping Calum's secrets or what Calum told Harry?

Until next chapter, funky freaks. Adios.....

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