Twenty Two: "Ugly Lies Make Me Want to Die."

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Calum groaned in pain as he finally came to

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Calum groaned in pain as he finally came to. He wasn't surprised to find his wrists chained above his head, still tugging at the restraints as he arched off the cement ground. Futile it was but that didn't stop him from doing it. His arms ached so he most likely had been tied up for a while, the ground he was on freezing still, his teeth chattering for a few seconds before he bit his lip to stop.

He craned his neck to the side when heard a door creaking open, light spilling into the dark room from upstairs and letting Calum see the torture room he was chained in. His chest stuttered like his breaths, Michael skipping down the steps with a smile on his face and a tray in hand. He sat right beside Calum, legs tucked under him as his skirt pooled around his legs.

Calum rolled his lips into his mouth, looking away from the fairy floss haired boy and swearing in his mind when his stomach growled. Michael giggled at him, shaking his head as he sat the tray on the floor before him and smiled at Calum.

"Well, at least, I know you're hungry. I made spaghetti for dinner and I saw you were finally awake, so brought some down for you." He explained as he put some spaghetti on the fork for Calum.

The Maori man glanced at the fork Michael was holding to his lips, then the boy, who looked like a happy child when he finally parted his lips and let Michael feed him. Michael rambled about nothing as he fed Calum, who would've loved the scene if he wasn't chained up and knew Michael was almost as psychotic as Ashton. He kept his thoughts to himself and Michael only stopped talking when Calum started to shift around to prevent the searing pain in his arms and torso from worsening.

He ran his thumb over the edge of the plate as he looked down at nothing in particular, lip between his teeth but he wasn't actually biting to avoid bursting it. He looked like he was thinking, the way his nose wrinkled lightly and his eyebrows furrowed made him look like a disgruntled kitten. Calum watched him as he battled with himself, Michael eventually shaking his head and looking up at him with soft eyes.

"I'm not supposed to be down here with you. Ashton doesn't think I can handle my emotions around you but he's not here right now. Luke and him are back in town but he wanted me to stay here just in case. I don't think I can handle my emotions either because when I first started cooking and I had saw you woke up, I was going to let your stay hungry but then I felt bad."

"You don't have to tell me all of this, Michael." Calum breathed out, Michael shrugging as he sighed.

"Probably not but I feel like you deserve to know something. I do remember us. Well, bits and pieces. Why didn't you come back for me?" He asked after his voice went soft, eyes casted downwards at the white skirt he was wearing.

"I don't remember. I can't remember a lot of stuff that happened when you were around or for what lead up here. I repressed a lot of it and other stuff happened. I'm sorry."

Michael stood up, taking the tray as he nodded, muttering out "It's okay," before going back up the stairs and leaving Calum to wallow in the darkness of the room and mind. He chewed his lip as he shifted in his spot again before laying limp in his awkward angle.

He racked his brain as he closed his eyes, though the difference from having them opened or closed wasn't different at all. Maybe Michael wasn't so bad and Calum could still get him to change his mind. This would be much easier if he could remember more than he did, even just a little bit than the small piece he had stored in his mind.

Michael remembered more but maybe Luke didn't but playing with Luke's mind wasn't something to tread lightly, Calum knew that from experience. Ashton could play with Luke's mind, molding it like he was a skilled potter and Luke was only clay. Calum wasn't light when he manipulated people. He went hard and left them destroyed. He'd rather break the pottery into tiny pieces then transform them into something completely different than what they originally were.

He couldn't do that to Luke though, not when Ashton could easily kill him for hurting the poor blond more than he already had. He hurt Luke before and doing it again could get him killed even sooner than what Ashton had planned. No, he had to be logical with what he chose to do around Luke because everything surrounded Ashton. He was the sun, even if he was the darkest one of all four of them, and Luke was mars, the planet that didn't care if he got burned and slowly tortured as long as he was close to his sun.

Calum wondered how long it took for Luke to lose in his own battle against trying to control Ashton. It wasn't even controlling Ashton, it was silently hoping through his fear covered by anger that Ashton would just submit;which Ashton did until he felt Luke couldn't stand for himself and needed help. Ashton wasn't a person who thought giving up and taking a step down was weak, Luke was strong to do that, especially with his ego and Calum had to give him that because Luke from years ago would've never submitted his power to his boyfriend, not over his dead body.

He stiffened when he heard the door open again, knowing it wasn't Michael by the click of the heels down the stairs. The door closed again, a lock clicking again and the lights turning on. Ashton came into his sight, red, heart shaped sunglasses over his eyes and matching his black and red outfit with hearts on the sleeves of the cropped sweater.

"Hey, Cal. Sleep well?" He asked as he walked over to a table, opening up a case and looking over his shoulder when Calum didn't respond, "Don't tell me you're going to be ignoring me while you're here? I used to be your best friend. I don't think I deserve such hostility, especially when I'm letting you stay alive."

"Letting me?" Calum scoffed when Ashton nodded, turning his attention to the inside of his case again.

"Yeah, letting you. Do you honestly think that we wouldn't have killed you two days ago? Luke wanted to kill you in the apartment but that would only ruin my long term plans for you, plus killing you immediately is no fun."

"I wish you would've let Luke kill me."

Ashton laughed, genuinely amused as he nodded, "I know but as I am not a genie, I don't care what you wish for. Now, let's get you ready for a picture."

Calum tried to stay bold looking, failing by the way Ashton Cheshire Cat smiled at his expression, when the boy pulled out a blade from the case and laughed again.


Michael seems very confused and in between feelings with Calum. Hopefully that doesn't make a big difference or anything.

Buuuuuttt thank you for reading. What do you think about Calum's thought process this chapter? Or Michael's personality changes from when he's alone with Calum?

Until next chapter, funky freaks. Adios.....

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