Twenty: "Was I Ever Pretty?"

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Michael was actually scared as he laid back on the table in the basement

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Michael was actually scared as he laid back on the table in the basement. His hands were shaking beside him and he was grateful that Luke was down here with him and Ashton, though he knew he should probably be more fearful of Ashton than Luke as of right now. Ashton was looking at something on his phone, nonchalantly chewing his lip as he scrolled through his phone. He looked over when Michael let out another shaky breath, going next to the boy on the table and running his knuckles over Michael's bare arm in a comforting manner.

"Do we have to do this? Can't....can't we do something...something else?"

"No, Mikey. I know it's scary but I won't push past your limit. You want to know everything, don't you?" Ashton asked gently, making Michael nod after hesitating for a brief moment. "Just close your eyes and try to focus on what I'm going to do."

Michael hummed again, not sure he could form any more words with his lips as he chewed them raw and then some. He let Ashton strap his wrists down beside him, focusing on calming down than Ashton for the time being. His legs were strapped the same, eyes blindfolded and chest raising and dropping in an odd pattern. He couldn't feel anything, trying to focus on the feel of the restraints so he wouldn't drift off but that was hard to discern between his sleeves and the wrappings on his skin.

He licked his lips when he felt something cold trail of his skin, recognizing the blade against his calf. A scream ripped from his throats when the blade dug into his leg, arching off the table and trying to kick away from Ashton and his weapon. Ashton took the blade from his skin, trailing it up he side before cutting at his rib, blood soaking through his shirt as Michael screamed louder and kept trying to move from being beside Ashton. Ashton ignored his cries, knowing that Michael could take more from all the nights he was laid in bed with Luke and heard Calum testing Michael.

He knew what Michael could take, so slicing the side of Michael's cheek and causing blood to droll down into his ear and hair didn't bother Ashton as Michael screamed bloody murder and cried for him to stop through his endless tears. He dug his nail into Michael cuts when he grabbed his chin, Michael sobbing louder before his voice just cut off and he tried to think of anything else but how could he when all his mind was doing was swirling back to the pain by Ashton's infliction.

"You're doing so well for me, peach."

A piercing in his his arm left it numb, a scream of agony leaving Michael's throat raw as he turned his face away from Ashton. He scratched at the table, thrashing around in the hold of his wraps to escape Ashton and the blade that dug into his thigh through his skirt. He muttered out something of a plea in between his cries and screams, legs spasming as he jerked off the table a few times.

"I don't think I want to do it anymore, Cally. I don't want to go away."

The top of the knife dig into his neck, not enough to slit the skin but enough to cause Michael to still in case Ashton's grip faltered and he lost his life on accident. His movements became more threatening towards the ties around his wrists and legs, tears wetting the blind fold and causing it to irritate his skin and stick to his face. His lips were parted at a constant, screaming and crying going past his bleeding lips before he felt blood pool into his mouth from the cut Ashton made through his lip.

"You can't back out now, peach. We're already here and this is the only way you can get better, so we can stay together. You want to stay with me, don't you?"

He turned his face to the side, spitting out the blood that began choking him, the life force that began to take his life away dropping onto the floor along with his tears. He did want to stay with Calum, right? Why weren't they together now? Didn't he listen? Didn't he do everything Calum had asked for him? Why can't he remember? Why is he remembering now? Why is he hurting so much for a man he didn't know?

"Of course! Of course I do but you always tell me-"

Tell him what? What do you tell him? Why isn't he here? Michael screamed through the blood, knife plunged into his side again but he wanted to remember. Why couldn't he remember? He screamed at himself this time, he screamed at Calum, the blade still stuck in his side. What did Calum tell him? Why was he leaving? Where was he going? Tell him what? Tell him what?

"Forget about that, peach. It's only about you going inside and telling them what I told you to say, yeah?"

No. No. No, no, no, no! Tell him what? Go where? What did he tell him? Why did Michael listen to him and forget? Why can't he remember? He screamed for answer from himself, the blade gone from his side as Ashton stood to the side and let him go from where he left him.

"Yes, please don't forget about me. You're coming to get me as soon as I'm better and we'll live happily ever after, right?"

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! You stupid fucking idiot! He's not coming back and you're not better! There's nothing wrong with you. It was him, it was him, it was him! Don't leave the car, you idiot. Don't do it! There's no thing as happily fucking ever after!

"Of course, peach. You and I. We'll be safe and I'll be able to support you and we'll live happily ever after."

"You fucking liar! You lair!" Ashton moved forward quickly, undoing the restraints that held Michae and replacing them with his arms around Michael to hold him back but give him comfort when he calmed down. "He lied, Ashy. He lied and he left me. He did this to me."

"I know, Mikey. He did this but we're going to make him pay. I'm sorry for hurting you but this was the only way you'd remember." Michael nodded against his chest, allowing Ashton to pick him up and flip the roles of care giver to the broken.

He whined when he was laid in the cold water, feeling it soothe against his burning cuts and skin. He closed his eyes, letting Ashton do the work, surprised to hear Ashton mumbling lyrics to him as he smiled. Grabbing at Ashton's hand the began wiping around his thigh, gripping it in his hand he let go of a shaky breath.

"I want to make him pay but I want to do it."

"Of course, Mikey." Ashton smirked to himself as Michael nodded, "I wouldn't have it any other way."


I'm not going to lie but I was so about to kill Michael this chapter but decided against it. Don't need anyone coming after me for killing him. You know who you are.

Buuuuuttt thank you for reading. Have a question with your pizza....(>~<)/ 🍕 . Mashton is a cute ship, tbh, but what do we feel about their dynamic in this chapter?

Until next chapter, funky freaks. Adios.....

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