Thirty: "It's Hard to See the Ugly."

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Harry was feeling better

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Harry was feeling better. He was still strung up and worried about Calum, of course, but Cory had since then calmed down from his weeks in his office. Louis and Harry were still cautious around each other though.

He knew he should've said something, that withholding information like he did was illegal and just outright morally wrong but it was too late to focus on that. If Harry wanted to wallow on his mistakes and let the consume him, he would've did it years ago, not while Calum was still missing and no one had a single lead on where his best friend was.

It was all Louis could focus on, staring at Harry like he was the one who took Calum and broke him. He saved Calum, gave him an outing to prove that Calum did have someone who wouldn't turn on him, no matter what. Harry didn't care about the past that was on Calum's head, he just wanted his best friend back and safe.

He wanted Calum to come back alive and not covered in glitter and soft colors, not with a knife his heart and the cursive of a psychopath left behind with nothing but an empty twist of words.

Louis wouldn't say anything about what Harry did all those years ago but every look and anything he said to Harry carried the undertones of his feelings towards the brunet. His view changed of the green eyed man and Harry felt the hidden feelings grow every time they met together about remotely anything that could be connected to Calum.

Maybe he hated that Harry was encouraging Cory to move on, when he had no plans to do it either. Harry didn't mean it in a way to forget about Calum completely but Cory didn't deserve to be so hung up over everything to the point of breaking down. Harry wanted Calum back but he knew the brunet wouldn't want Cory to be so broken over everything.

Harry didn't want Cory or Louis or anyone to feel this way. None of them had an obligation to Calum like he felt he did. He promised Calum years ago to not forget the man, doing it now would only prove Calum right that he could leave. Forgetting Calum now would be worthless, only leaving the man to the wolves, even if he was a wolf in disguise himself while he was here.

He smiled across at Cory, who was rambling about something he didn't honestly hear in the beginning but feigned an interest because he was glad that Cory had finally began to break out of the loop of staying in his office for hours on end and drowning himself in the cases. It took Cory's breakdown for him to finally see what was happening to him, the time off giving him a chance to reevaluate the real impact of Calum's disappearance.

"I'm sorry. I blanked out. What did you say?"

"Oh, um, it's nothing. I was just going to tell you that I got moved to another precinct when I get out of here in a few weeks." He repeated, messing with the wrapper of his straw as he spoke.

"That's great, Cory. I bet Calum would be happy for you."

The slightly younger man nodded with his words, a soft, hesitant smile on his lips before Harry's phone suddenly went off. He left Cory's side, the man watching as he left the room and answered his phone.

"We've got a lead on Hood. Tomlinson wants you to go to the address as well. I'll send it to you." The call ended as fast as it started, Harry rushing down the hall with his phone in hand, waiting for the text.

It came as he was getting in, Harry cursing to himself because he didn't tell Cory he was leaving. Just text him later, he thought as he pulled from his spot and sped away, flicking his lights on. Cars moved out of his way as he drove, more illegal that what was necessary as he sped under a stoplight.

All he could think was that Calum was still alive, that every second he was away from the scene was another second too long and another second that gave death an opportunity to take his best friend.

He tumbled out of his car, leaving it running with the obnoxious swirl of red and blue lights in mixing with the loud siren. He ran up to the door just as the herd of cop cars and ambulances joined after him. Louis was next to him in an instant, trying the door and calling for someone to bust it down.

"Here let me try and get the door open." He pushed Louis to the side, kicking at the door.

Once, twice, three times before it flew back and hit the wall. Three seconds wasted, he thought as he ran into the barren house. The team of cops that came with Louis flooded the house, going up the stairs and down the hall as Harry moved down the hall without a second though. He ignored Louis' yell at him to wait as he was unprotected, relived to find the door open that lead to the basement as he ran down.

"Oh my god, Calum," He breathed out, rushing over to the man.

He pushed away the feel of his skin crawling and the bile rising in his throat as he touched his best friend, propping him up as Calum stared at him with teary eyes.

His words drooled out in scarlet colors, eyes desperate as he spoke, "Don't forget me, Haz."

The younger, long haired brunet panicked slightly, Calum getting taken away before he could register his surroundings that had been filled. He reached out for Calum, only to be greeted by Louis as he sat on his knees with blood on his hands.


Another very important POV from our favorite, less shady than Calum but I guess still kind of shady, cop: Harry Styles.

Buuuuuttt thank you for reading. Harry's POV on the situation? His relationship with Louis? Cory moving for another job? His feelings of obligation towards Calum? Lots of questions to be asked, isn't there?

Until next chapter, funky freaks. Adios.....

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