Nine- "Aren't You So Pretty?"

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Michael skipped down the stairs when he heard Ashton, not just Luke

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Michael skipped down the stairs when he heard Ashton, not just Luke. He peered around the corner just in case, watching as Ashton let his legs sway slightly as he sat on the stool, admiring Luke, who was cleaning a few knives. He quietly moved over to the pair, climbing onto the stool beside Ashton. Luke was cleaning one of his blades at the moment, only briefly looking up with plain blue eyes before going back to his work at hand.

Ashton smiled at Michael softly, the pink haired boy leaning his head on his arms that laid on the counter. His green eyes focused onto Luke, who was still cleaning the sharp knife with a scarlet cloth that Michael recognized immediately. Ashton had bought Luke the cloth a year ago for their anniversary, Michael helped him stitch LLM into the fabric a few hours before Ashton decided to give it to Luke. He never was sure if Luke gave Ashton something back afterwards, he never questioned it either because Ashton was so happy to give it to the blond and always looked so pleased when Luke used it.

"Michael," Luke began, catching the youngest attention from his blank stare at nothing, "You're going to Dakota's today."


"Because her son tipped me off that the cops had been asking about our shipments. You look the least suspicious and they'd probably just think you like to sew, which you do." He explained shortly before looking at Ashton, "Who do you think it is this time?"

"Probably Cal-I mean, Officer Hood again. He's the leading Officer on Michael's trail of murders and mines." Ashton told him, Luke nodding as he sat the knife down in its case and shut it.

"Go get dressed, Michael. Take the jeep and come back home immediately. We've got something to speak about later. Ashton, you grab my red case. Don't leave the cabinet unlocked this time, understood?"

Ashton nodded quickly, taking the key from Luke's palm and walking after Michael to Luke's office as Michael went to his own room to change like Luke instructed him to do. He stripped out of his pajamas, putting them in his dirty clothes bin because Luke hates when his room or any room in the house gets messy. Pulling on a pink shirt that matched his light hair, he stared at himself in the mirror. Pale green eyes scanned over the words, 'Bleeding Hearts' written across his chest and a vivid drawing off a bleeding, white heart on the back, drooling out pink blood.

Luke had drawn the picture on the back from one of Ashton's more gruesome murders of ripping the person's heart from their chest after he saw them getting too close to the blond. Michael stitched it onto his shirt and wore it because that was one of the first times Luke and Ashton had ever done anything together that hadn't resulted in Ashton's being physically hurt.

He stepped into his skirt, pulling it up and swaying slightly for it to rise up and down. He giggled to himself, skipping to where his shoes were and pulling on some white ankle boots. He laced them up, looking over when he saw Ashton standing there, waiting for him with a smile. Lacing their hands together, Michael walked alongside the other boy down the stairs back to where Luke was waiting for them. He looked both boys over a few times, nodding at their outfits and passing the keys to Michael.

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