Four- "I'll break your pretty face."

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Michael honestly hated when Luke and Ashton got into a fight

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Michael honestly hated when Luke and Ashton got into a fight. The moments when Ashton stood up for himself and Luke decided to push him back down into submission. He would be caught in the crossfires of their anger and love. It didn't happen often, only when Ashton got to his breaking point and blew up. He had nowhere to hide, except behind Ashton, hoping that nothing would come out that no one could take back.

He started to cry when Luke pushed Ashton against the wall, pinning him back as Ashton glared up at him. He didn't struggle against his hold, knowing it was stupid to do so when Luke easily had him pinned. He stayed where was, turning his face to look at Michael as the boy cried on the couch for them to stop. He was forced to look back at Luke when the blond gripped his chin. Luke's grip tightened, sure to leave bruises, pain bursting into Ashton's jaw as he waited for what Luke would threaten or do next.

"Disrespect me like that again, I'll fucking-"

"Fucking what? Kill me? Do it. I want you to try and kill me, Luke." Ashton spat bitterly.

Luke smirked, leaning closer to Ashton as he shook his head, "I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of leaving me."

Ashton never knew when he would hit the point of blowing up. It just happen out of no where. One second he'd be pouring himself coffee and the next he'd be throwing the cup at Luke. It was like a switch that was balanced in the middle, either flicking up into pure anger or downwards to where he completely disassociated himself. He didn't mean for it to happen, if he could control it, he'd always be stuck in the state of floating through his miserable life and taking what was given to him with no push back.

He only ever fell back into that state when Michael began crying, pleading for Luke to let him go and he felt guilty. Just because the fairy flossed haired boy was a murderer, didn't mean he liked when people yelled or fought. He hated it. So, Ashton dropped his guard and he let Luke yell at him, drag a blade down his stomach after cutting the threading of buttons to expose himself. And, yeah, Ashton knew he was fucking pathetic because it seemed like he never had any control over his life. It looked like he couldn't be angry because of Michael and like he couldn't be content because of Luke. So, to others, what else could Ashton be, except for a worthless toy that Luke used time and time again and that Michael had to repair over and over?

Wasn't it just an endless cycle? Luke broke Ashton, Ashton let him, Michael fixed Ashton, Ashton felt content, Luke broke him again. Didn't Ashton wonder if the loop would ever end, if something would come crashing through and break the order of chaos he lived and breathed in? Did he wonder if he'd ever stop loving a vile monster like Luke and forget about Michael to save himself? He owed that to himself, right? The salvation of breaking free and turning himself in for countless murders, which most likely lead to his arrest and trial, where'd he definitely get convicted and sentenced to life in prison or to his death;neither of which sounded as bad as living this life any longer.

Wasn't that something he wanted?

No, Ashton wouldn't do that because he knew what all of this meant to Luke and he was weak for the blond he loved. He was still weak in the knees when Luke kissed him with lips like poison that coated his own lips and killed him slowly, with a blade pressed into his stomach, threatening to dive into his body and pull his guts out when it was removed. He was weak when Luke pushed him onto the ground, on his knees like a servant before a mighty king that held his life. Weak when Luke gripped his hair and forced him to look into those blue eyes filled with destruction.

"You're a fucking pathetic, little boy, Ashton. I don't even know why I waste precious air having you around." Luke spoke down at him, his tone as degrading as ever though he knew exactly why he kept Ashton around, that he didn't have a choice in the matter. "You better impress me next time or I'll use your body to show you what I expect."

His head hit the wall when Luke threw him by his hair, his hands flying up to console the spot and see if Luke had drew any blood. The blond left without another glance at Ashton or Michael, who pushed himself off the couch and ran over to the other boy on the ground. He wiped his face as checked Ashton's body to see if they was any torn skin from old wounds, only finding new bruises and fingerprints. He was grateful that he wasn't going to have to stitch Ashton up again since he had just done it a few days ago and he didn't know how much Ashton's body could take with having the thread in his skin instead of the proper care he deserved.

Brushing a hand through Ashton's hair gently, massaging his scalp as Ashton laid limply on the floor with his eyes closed. The only reason Michael knew he wasn't dead on the outside was because of the shallow breaths that touched his skin from Ashton's parted lips.

"You're not pathetic, Ashy." He assured the boy in a low tone, Ashton's eyes flickering behind his eye lids as he stayed still. "And, every time you work, I like it. It's a reflection of what you feel and how you feel is important."

Ashton wished he could've just taken Michael's words and been fine but he still wanted to hear Luke tell him that he liked his work. He needed Luke to tell him that if he wanted to stay alive to see if he ever did achieve getting Luke's affection and love again or if Luke became consumed in vengeance and blinded by his hate.

So, he nodded slowly, scared of moving to fast and blacking out. He pushed himself off the floor, using Michael as leverage to balance himself as they walked from the living room and up to his own. Michael knew he'd feel more comfortable in a room that showed what he felt than a room filled with stuffed animals and pink colors. He laid Ashton on the bed, taking his broken button up off and pulling on his favorite. Straightening out his shirt to cover over his legs as much as it could, Michael leaned down and kissed Ashton's lips softly, much too innocent in his mind as he pulled away and looked at Ashton with sorry green eyes;as if he was the one for all the torment that lived in Ashton.

"Still pretty." Michael promised, squeezing Ashton's hand gently as Ashton nodded defeatedly and sighed.

His eyes fluttered back closed, leaving him to stare at the darkness as he spoke, "But not like I used to be."


Hi, how are you? Lovely to see you again. The next few chapters are going to be centered around my Lashton relationship. So I hope you guys are ready to hate Luke even more.

And thank you for reading, as always. Have a question today with your pie....(>~<)/ 🥧. Who's your favorite character so far?

Plus, I'm dedicating this chapter to flawless_violence because she's a good writer and I just found out she likes my book. So...

Until next chapter, funky freaks. Adios.....

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