Twenty Nine: "Being so Pretty Takes Time."

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Everything was fast, too fast and Luke felt like he was getting left behind, even though he was in the middle of it all

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Everything was fast, too fast and Luke felt like he was getting left behind, even though he was in the middle of it all. He was in his room on the phone with his mum when Ashton and Michael returned, quickly saying goodbye to Liz and promising to call back later before she hung up and he tossed his phone to the side.

He rushed downstairs to see his boyfriend, freezing at the end of the steps to watch Michael storm past him up to his room. He glanced at the disappearing boy before looking to Ashton for an answer if Ashton felt like he should have one.

The hazel eyed boy looked up at where he was standing in the steps with a confused expression, walking over to the blond. Luke leaned into the touch of Ashton's thumb rubbing in his cheek, eyebrows furrowed as he heard Michael most likely destroying his room.

"He knows Calum left him there?" Luke questioned, finishing the last step to lean into Ashton.

"Yeah, I had to tell him."

"I'll go get my phone." Luke mumbled out softly, going up the stairs again as Ashton went down the hall.

He wasn't all there anymore. Luke had since then reverted back into his softer personality. Every time the voices tried to overpower him, he'd catch sight of his messed up skin from Ashton's knife over his hearts and inking's of his love for Ashton.

Ashton controlled his whole mind, heart, and soul now and Luke didn't care. He was at Ashton beck and call, he'd do anything for Ashton without hesitation. His ego was nonexistent, burned into ashes and the ashes burned to nothing.

His shell became hallowed out, filled with only the need to please Ashton and make the man proud of him when ever he was able to. He was Ashton's servant and Luke would do anything to keep Ashton's burn on his skin, Mars to the Sun once again.

Grabbing his phone and leaving the room again, Luke quickly shied away from Michael's path when the pink haired boy stormed down the hall and past him withou a second glance.

He knew Michael would be furious about Calum persuading his mum to keep him at the asylum for four years instead of the two. Michael would've been stable if he was taken out at the right time but simmering in a place of the insane wasn't the prime way to become sane, especially if everyone else was feeding into your psychosis of insanity.

Of course Michael would've been mad. Calum had promised to come back for him, sent him somewhere Ashton and Luke couldn't find him, and made him work to be sane only for it to be broken because Calum had lied. Luke remembered how hard ashton had searched for Michael, hating Calum more and more over the years for separating him from the younger boy.

Ashton had blamed himself those four years of Michael forceful disappearance, always saying that if he hadn't let them get close, that he'd still be there with them. Luke remembered the way Ashton filled with rage when he saw the boy finally, one of the first reveals in Ashton's deathly plan of revenge against Calum.

He snapped from his thoughts, loosening the iron grip on his phone as he stood at the top of the basement stairs. Luke had refused to go down the steps ever since that night, haunting images of Ashton's dementedness flashing through his mind every time he stared down the steps and knew what it lead to.

He pulled himself down the steps, knees shaking with each step until he stood at the floor. Calum was awake, looking at him with dulled brown eyes and a sunken face that matched his sunken frame. His body was covered in an overwhelming amount of bruises and cuts, black and blue splotches coating his olive skin.

Luke glanced up the steps than back to Calum, letting his lip drop from between his teeth to speak to the man, "Michael knows. He's going to kill you."

"Knows what?" Calum croaked out.

"That you left him. That he could've been with you but you made Karen sign off his mental stability. That you wanted to forget him rather than accidentally forgetting him."

His face filled with brief confusion, clearing into a fearful realization as he slumped back, as if he wanted to disappear into himself. Luke fidgeted with his phone, glancing up at the stairs again then to Calum.

"I shouldn't be telling you this but you're dying anyway, so I don't think it matters anymore. Ashton's more so hurt by you, y'know? He blamed himself a lot for what happened to Michael and what you did to my family." Luke explained softly, Calum's head hanging in defeat.

"Having to bury my brothers and my dad, then have to pay for two medical bills, and look for Michael was a lot on him. You should apologize and tell him-I don't know-something before you die."

He moved back when Ashton came down, averting his eyes when Michael looked at him. His eyes were shade dark green, Luke swore he could feel Michael's anger rolling off his body in waves of heat as he stood behind his boyfriend but he knew from experience that was all Michael was feeling. Anger was dominate but Michael was still confused and Luke could only hope he'd figure out what he'd want to do before his body took over and rode off his anger.

He nodded when Ashton told him to go out to the car, giving one last glance at Calum before leaving the basement. Maybe Calum would apologize and gain forgiveness before he lost his life. Or Calum would choke out his apology through his bloodstream as he drifted into his death.

Luke dialed the number, holding the phone to his ear as he sat in the car with his eyes in his lap.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Um, I have the whereabouts of Calum Hood, the missing officer. He's at 12457 west sycamore. I think you should hurry too." He added quickly, hanging up and sitting back into his seat as the doors opened and closed and Ashton started the car.

The ride was silent from the house, Luke watching out the window as a line of cop cars sped past them and down the road to their old house. He chewed his lip, biting once then twice at his lip ring before he looked at Ashton in the driver seat.

"Do you think Michael made it out too?"


A random Luke POV but is it really random? No, is the answer. It'll all be revealed in coming times.

Buuuuuttt thank you for reading. What do you think of Luke's POV of the situation? What he spoke to Calum about?

Until next chapter, funky freaks. Adios.....

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