Fourteen: "I'll Show You What's Pretty, Ugly Boy."

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Luke did try and listen to his mum

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Luke did try and listen to his mum. He tried so fucking hard but it was like his body didn't know how to act around Ashton because he was so scared of his love. Every time he was around Ashton he just had to push his limits and had to show Ashton that he was more powerful, even if the real Luke knew it was all fake. His other voices never listened, only pushed him back and took control because Luke was so weak. He couldn't even fight the monsters in his own head, let alone the monster in his heart.

He should've tried harder. He should've let Ashton be and let him do what was needed on his own but Luke never was right minded and he knew that now as Ashton dropped to his knees and stared up at him with a maniacal smirk on his lips.

He backed away immediately, not sure where Ashton was going as the younger man rose to his feet slowly, like his ascending from hell with his own blood dripping from his body and painting his lips like lipstick. He desperately wanted to fall to his knees and cower from the powerful man but being on his knees wouldn't save him right now.

He hit the table with his back, hands gripping the cold metal tightly, his palms becoming slick with sweat and warming up as Ashton stalked towards him and his boots seemed to echo in the quietness.

"Pathetic, worthless, weak, disgusting, dishonorable, disappointing- I could take every single word you spat at me. I'd have them engraved into my skin if it made you happy, right along where your fucking initials are! But no, you couldn't just take the small piece of power I give you. The outlet I made of myself so you wouldn't have to become as tormented as I. I did all of this for you and I took every punishment and degrading with no pushbacks, but you will not sit here and claim you don't fucking love me!"

Luke flinched at his sharp tone, the words flying towards him and implanting into his skin like venomous darts of hatred. He shouldn't have said those lies because he himself knew they were false. Of course he loved Ashton. He wouldn't have survived without the man because Ashton would've rendered him useless and done away with him long ago. He loved this man more than he loved anything and Ashton was right.

He can't stand here and say he didn't love Ashton after he's done all of these horrible acts but that's exactly what his body did on its own while Luke got shoved in the background of his mind and the other voice took control of what should be done, though he cried for them not to.

"Yes, I can. I can sit here and say I don't love you because I fucking don't. You're worthless."

Ashton chuckled that chuckle he always gave when Luke knew the act was sealed and he couldn't get out of this. Ashton's hazel eyes flickered in faux amusement over the insanity he hid so well and he clicked his tongue. Luke choked when Ashton's hand curled around his throat, the palm pressed up right against his Adam's apple and his red nails digging into his flesh.

Ashton forced him against the table, looking down at the truly pathetic man that left him with no choice but to let a bit of his power peak to remind him of who was the real controller in this relationship. He slammed Luke's head down onto the metal under his head, grip dropping so Luke could slip off the edge and coddle his head in a soft sound of pain. He kicked Luke over, grabbing some random knife that was close to them and sitting on top of Luke.

Luke knew he was alone now, his own mind barren outside of himself and the other voices had come to hide behind him. The blond stared up fearfully, hands forced to the side as Ashton held the blade with his teeth before letting one of Luke's wrists go to sit up.

"I advise you not to resist or else it'll just be worse for you, baby."

Ashton's voice was sweet, too sweet like the candy you ate as a kid but now only tasted like sugary death when it even touched your tongue. Luke obeyed, not moving an inch from where Ashton had him pinned, only arching into the air when the blade cut his cheek. Ashton gripped his face, nail purposely digging into the split flesh, a specialty from Ashton's mind as blood drooled down the side of Luke's face over Ashton's hand.

He turned Luke's face to meet his, those pretty blue eyes filled with tears that mixed with his blood and stung at his cut when they trickled down after the cause of another wound in his side. The knife dug deep, Luke crying out in pain as Ashton watched the spilt blood drop from the heart that surrounded his name from years ago.

"Don't need that if you don't love me," He remarked casually, going as far as to shrug before carelessly ripping the skin more by his movements of blade removal.

His blade found a trail to cut across, another marking that showed of a sudden dead love by Luke's word, right across his collarbones and gaining another agonizing cry. He ignored his love, taking the knife to another heart on his leg and driving it through his arm that was free from his grasp. His name in pretty cursive now distorted by a sharp silver and the ruby red of life.

He ripped open Luke's shirt, Luke seemingly becoming aware as more tears flowed from his eyes and he shook his head. Ashton smirked, nodding in rebellion of Luke's new submission. Luke pushed his way to the front in his mind and he tried to ignore the screaming and threatening of his own mind. He finally let go of the pathetic cry in the back of his throat, a soft sob of Ashton's name as he made a move and grabbed his wrist, wincing at the blade that moved with his arm.

"I love you. I'm-I'm sorry. I love you. I love you. I love you." He mumbled out the words, drifting as he repeated the sentence like a mantra.

Ashton shook his hand off and Luke pliantly laid against the concrete floor, whining when Ashton gripped his hair and pulled him up. He coughed some blood out, letting it dribble down his chin as he forced his eyes open to meet Ashton's.

"It's quite amusing how the ones who are usually pathetic and weak let the smallest amount of power go to their heads. Submission is still on my behalf as I am a man of my word but you need to prove to me that you're still strong enough because right now..." He scoffed, throwing Luke back down because he wasn't even worth the reminder of lowliness he truly is.

He stepped over the drifting male, going up the steps and surprising Michael at the top of the stairs. He walked over to the green eyed boy, smiling gently despite the blood on his hands and on his face the had since then dried from the past time of dealing with Luke.

He kept silent, leaning down to press a kiss to Michael's head before grabbing his keys and leaving the house in routine of Luke. Michael waited for the door to shut to go downstairs and see what happened, gasping at the sight of Luke on the floor in his own blood. He took hesitant steps, not sure what he should do but going onto his knees gently and reaching forward to see if he could find a pulse.

"Luke, um, I don't know if you can hear me but I'm going to clean you up, yeah? You're just going to have to stay still because you're bleeding a lot and I'm not sure if I can support you if you're moving a lot, okay?" His words were questioning but he didn't expect an answer from the blond on the floor.

He carefully stripped Luke down, taking the knife that was in his arm out gently, and struggled but eventually got a holding onto him to get him back upstairs.


Well, that was eventful, now wasn't it?

Buuuuuttt thank you for reading. Have a dedication with your fries....(>~<)/ 🍟 . This was actually inspired by flawless_violence . She commented something and this chapter was born so, everyone say thank you.

And, I guess we can still have a question, any thoughts on Lashton for this chapter?

Until next chapter, funky freaks. Adios.....

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