Eighteen: "Ugly Crier."

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Michael had never been in more fear in his life

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Michael had never been in more fear in his life. He'd never seen Luke so furious and he didn't doubt for a second that Luke would kill him if he caught him. He cried out when Luke gripped his hair, digging his nails into Luke's wrist to puncture at his vein. Luke recoiled back into himself and he ran up the stairs, screaming louder when Luke grabbed his ankle and made him fall just as he hit the top. He kicked Luke's arm, knocking the blond's grip before he pushed himself off the floor and ran into Ashton's room. He slammed the door behind himself, locking it quickly and backing away when he heard Luke banging on it and cursing at him.

Moving over to Ashton's window, he unlocked it and pushed it up, climbing out and landing onto the roof. He shimmed down the pipe on the side, letting go when he was close enough to the floor to fall without getting hurt. He ran over to Ashton as the honey haired boy pulled up in his jeep, latching onto Ashton as he hiccuped. He felt Ashton's arms circle around him, the honey haired boy hitting the door of the car closed and locking it before directing Michael into the house.

He held Michael in place when the younger boy tried to push away from him when he heard Luke coming downstairs, looking to his boyfriend, who looked like a manic beast. He pushed Michael behind him, standing between the both males he lived with. Michael pressed his face into Ashton's back, standing on his tip toes to look over his shoulder at Luke, who's gaze darkened when he saw Michael.

"Move, Ashton." Luke ordered, still glaring at Michael as he spoke through a clenched jaw.


"No? No?" Luke let out a insane laugh, focusing on Ashton's disobedience, than Michael. "He brought Calum into the fucking house! He could've ruined the whole plan and you want to protect him?"

Luke stepped forward as he spoke, pushing Ashton by his shoulders. He shouldn't do this because his mum was right, that's all he had been thinking of for the past few weeks, just along with what had happened between himself and his love. He was scared of setting Ashton off once more and having to prove himself all over again. He'd been cautious around Ashton, not wanting to be the one to set his lover off, but Michael made a stupid decision. He let his enemy into his house, into his safe haven from his world. What if he had showed Calum his basement, the place for twisted love practices of death that only himself and Ashton had ever stepped into, except for the few exceptions of Michael.

What if Calum had went into his office? What if he saw all of the work Ashton and Luke had put into this plan? What if Michael saw what Ashton had hid from him for his own reasons? What if everything Luke had worked toward to make Calum suffer like he did shattered into nothing because of Michael? Ashton was protecting him. Did Ashton care about Calum and Michael more than he cared about Luke now? Was Luke the reason everything was breaking because he hurt Ashton in the first place? Why couldn't he stop? Why was he hurting him now?

Luke was asking himself all these questions but his body was reacting on its own, hand flying forward to grab Ashton and he wondered if Ashton could see past his shell. He knew Ashton could from the soft curl of his fingers around his own wrist. He couldn't stop tightening his grip and he asked for Ashton to stop him but the boy didn't. He could feel Ashton's pulse in his throat, feel it trying to find a normal pace that was fluctuating as it tried to understand and adjust to Ashton's lack of breathing.

Michael watched the chaotic lovers, wondering if he was safe but not daring to move or speak as he stood behind Ashton. The blond kept his grip, not sure if Ashton could breath or not but his body wasn't listening to him scream that he shouldn't hurt his love. Ashton never looked away from Luke, staring into the demented blue eyes he fell in love with all those years ago and waiting for Luke hit his peak of power. He knew Luke couldn't control himself right then, knew when he needed to step in, knew what was going through Luke's mind.

He reached under Michael's skirt, taking the boy's knife from his garner and pushing Michael back a little bit more. His own grip tightened around Luke's wrist, raising Michael's knife and slitting the forearm of Luke. Luke almost looked relived at the sight of his own blood, body reacting and letting go off Ashton to console his arm. Ashton sent Michael upstairs to get a first aid kit, the light haired boy running to grab it as Ashton gripped Luke's collar.

"I'm taking over. You're unwell, baby." Ashton explained briefly, leaning his forehead against Luke's. "This is our battle and I'll handle Calum. You handle yourself or I'll do it for you, yes?"

Luke nodded against Ashton, forgetting about his arm to hold the sides of Ashton's face, his blood smearing across Ashton's skin as he stared into his hazel eyes, "I'm sorry. I love you."

"It's okay. I love you too." Ashton pulled away from Luke first, making him go sit on the couch as Michael came back down to stitch and wrap his arm again.

He stood back with his arms crossed over his chest, Luke watching his beautiful love as he laid his arm out for Michael to clean. His blue eyes were cloudy as he eyed Ashton. He looked like he did several years ago, blood on his cheek and smeared under his eye like dripping makeup, tight jeans and ankle boots, his crop top tied to the middle of his chest to show off his stomach and scars, plus the tattoo of Luke's name on his side.

Ashton was beautiful and strong, much stronger than Luke, Calum, and Michael combined.

Luke knew this would happen. He'd have to submit and it especially became true those nights ago when Ashton showed him he weak he was in comparison. He couldn't handle everything crashing on top of his head when his mind wasn't all there. He'd have to give it over to Ashton sooner or later and he was happy that it was sooner because if he kept it going, everything would've been destroyed. He knew Ashton was always stronger but never knew how much and how less he was than the man he loved dearly.

"I'm going up to the office. Disturb me and I'll carve my name into your skull." Ashton threatened with fulfillment to his words, stalking up the steps of their house as Michael stitched through Luke's arm.

The blond laughed loudly, Michael looking at him confused as his face dazed over with a boyish teen lovesick look, looking towards Michael with love in his eyes, "My little Monster's back."


I passed two of my test today, so I am very happy but that's also why I updated so late, 😂.

Buuuuuttt thank you for reading. Have a question with your bacon....(>~<)/ 🥓. What do you think of Ashton really solidifying his dominance? That's what this chapter really was and the die down of Malum's last chapter.

Until next chapter, funky freaks. Adios.....

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