Ten- "It's Pretty Blurry."

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Michael came into the kitchen, setting the spool of thread down gently as Luke looked at him

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Michael came into the kitchen, setting the spool of thread down gently as Luke looked at him. Luke questioned if Ashton was right, though he knew the younger boy was because Luke knew it was Calum too, that of course Calum jumped into this case as soon as he could get his hands on it.

"It was Officer Hood." Michael confirmed.

Luke dismissed himself, telling Ashton to fill Michael in as he went to his office. He cracked his knuckles, leaning back on his desk with his jaw set into a tight lock, that could've shattered his teeth if he tightened it anymore.

"I'm serious, guys. This-This isn't what I want to do anymore. I can't keep doing this to people. It's-It's wrong and vile and disgusting."

"Shut up, Calum. Just because you want to act holier than thou all of a sudden doesn't mean you get to talk down to us like that. You're in the same fucking boat as the rest of us. You did this too and having a stupid badge isn't going to change what you are: a fucking psychopathic, blood lusted murderer, just like the rest of us."

He snapped his head to the side when he heard Ashton and Michael come into his room. He avoided Ashton's eyes and looked back out the window, staring at the open field of nothing but a few flowers that grew from the dead underneath them. Michael was silently waiting for him or Ashton to speak, Ashton was by his side and staring at his side profile in hopes of getting some type of reaction outside of that plain look on his face when he knew so much was going underneath Luke's flesh, crowned in by his skull.

He reached out to touch Luke's arm, not surprised when the blond looked at him with eyes of fury, but didn't stop until he touched Luke's bare arm gently. He sent Michael out, the other boy gladly leaving the room in a haste and shutting the door behind him with a light thud. Looking back to Luke, he moved closer to his distant boyfriend, even going as far as to lean his cheek against Luke's cold shoulder.

"What came back this time?"

"Another fight. He doesn't want to do it anymore, he's a fucking psychopathic, blood lusted murderer, like us." Luke listed off for him, feeling Ashton nod again his shoulder.

"You were right. Calum just didn't want to believe it, but you were. That's what he is. No matter how many years on the force he has or the badge he hides behind, he's just like you, except at least you can own up to who you are." Ashton told him.

"Did you believe me back then? Would you have said the same things to me, even if he was right in front of you?"

"Yes, I'd say it even if Calum was right in front of me. I'd say to whoever you want me to but you can't let him get into your head again. There's already enough voices in your head."

He stood in front of Luke, holding the man's head between his hands and pressing their foreheads together. Luke shook, a moment of vulnerability that Ashton only got to see seven years ago before he let Luke start putting up his wall and blocking him out. He knew it would happen again, that Luke wouldn't be able to face Calum but Ashton could, maybe even Michael, but Ashton definitely would be able to stare the kiwi man in his face.

He'd gladly face Calum again and easily kill him if it meant Luke could stop hurting and that he'd maybe be able to see the smallest piece of the man he once knew. If Calum was gone, the other voices in Luke's head of vengeance and rage wouldn't have anything to yell at the sick blond pushed to the back and screamed at from inside of his own brain.

"It hurts, Ashton." Luke whispered shakily, closing his eyes when Ashton began speaking and Ashton knew that the real Luke had finally been able to push past the crowding of monsters in his mind to see the light and talk to his love.

"I know it does but this is what you've wanted for the longest, what we've worked towards for the past six years. This is the crowning moment for you and Calum is where we want him."

"I'm sorry for being like this." He apologized, as if he had a complete choice in what he did or said sometimes.

"I know but don't stop now. If you break now, this'll all be for nothing. Calum will have won and that's exactly what he wants. I'm still going to be here if you want to stop, just say the words and this can all stop."

Luke kept silent, opening his eyes to stare into Ashton's sincere hazel ones. He moved back shaking his head because Ashton was right, he didn't want to stop. He wanted this, this whole plan was built off of hatred and hurt and resentment, all those feelings still burning in Luke every time he thought of Calum and the damage he caused, the damage he had no right to cause onto his monster.

And, even if he did want to stop, he couldn't. It wasn't right to stop and break the plan when he wasn't the only one riding on this. Calum wasn't only his to deal with, both Michael and Ashton had something into this fight. Luke couldn't be weak because he was weak back then and everything fell apart onto all of them when Calum left.

He could hear Ashton's sharp intake of breath when he lifted his shirt, exposing the scars that Luke hadn't caused on his skin. He traced his fingertips over the slit, dragging it down across his leg till he reached the middle of his thigh.

"Calum did this to me, to what's yours, and now, we're going to make him pay."

Luke nodded, looking back up to meet Ashton's eyes but keeping his hand where it was as he spoke, "I want to break you in the worst way that I can."

"And, I want to break free but I know that I just can't." Ashton replied back, making Luke let go of a deep breath.

He pulled away from Ashton, the shorter boy rolling his shirt back to cover his scars. Luke sat down in his office chair, Ashton taking the silent cue to leave Luke to his thoughts as he built his wall back up or tried to force his brain to give another blurry memory back to him. He shut the door behind himself, going to find Michael. He found the boy curled up on his bed, completely asleep, even as Ashton climbed over his body and pressed his chest against Michael's back. He closed his eyes with no intent of going to sleep behind the pink haired boy.

His mind violently flashed behind his eyelids, unconsciously making him squeeze his arms around Michael but not anything to make the boy wake up. He knew the most out of everyone, what this meant to Calum and Luke, even if the men themselves didn't know what it meant. He hated Calum just as much as he hated Luke, he loved Calum like he loved Michael, but he loved Luke like he hated himself. It was confusing mess of feelings of hate and regret and love and anger and everything all at once.

It didn't matter how pathetic and worthless Luke made Ashton feel, he could handle the physical and mental abuse ten fold than what Luke could do to him. Luke could never handle the mental abuse Ashton could put him through, Calum wouldn't survive the physical or mental abuse Ashton could force upon him. No one could deal with Ashton as a force if he really wanted to exert his power over all three of the males, but he didn't want to yet.

No, he'd wait.

He'd pour down his rain on them when they were crawling through a desert, searching desperately for water and thinking they had a lifeline, only to taste the disgusting, metallic flavor of all his blood shed from deep within his heart and mind.

I didn't do a note at the end and just noticed. Please, excuse me while I simmer in embarrassment.

Buuuuuttt thank you for reading. Have a question with your chocolate....(>~<)/ 🍫. Just any thoughts on the chapter in general?

Until next chapter, funky freaks. Adios.....

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