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it was 8:29 when jordan and jaylen arrived at the party. they stopped to get some fries from mcdonald's like they always did before they went to parties. now they were just sitting in front of roman's house in the car.

 " jaylen raine hudgins , " jordan said staring at jaylen who was completely focused on the nothing she was staring at herself.

 " what's wrong with you ? " she said grabbing her arm , causing jaylen to look at her.

 " jass mad at me , and ion even know for what , " jaylen answered. jaylen was tough as nails , but it bothered her to have people she loves mad at her.

 " i'm so tired of y'all two , " jordan said rolling her eyes. " you probably said some smart ass shit like you always do , " she said to jaylen as she stuffed more fries in her mouth.

 " i really didn't this time ... i don't think. i was just on my phone , and she was like whoever you talking to must be hella important. dead ass , all i said was they are , and she got mad. "

jordan busted out laughing. " y'all funny as fuck. "

jaylen eyed jordan wondering why she was laughing. jaylen was being so serious right now , and jordan wasn't treating her like she was.

 " jordan i'm - "

jordan continued laughing for a little while before she stopped and breathed.

 " okay , okay. i'm sorry. let me get for real , " jordan said wiping her eyes and sitting her fry box in the cup holder. 

 " it's obvious , bruh. she still love you. ion know why y'all broke up anyway , " she said. jaylen looked out the window and thought about what was just said. 

 " she was mad because you always on yo phone and don't pay her no attention for real. you of all people should know how she get when yuon pay her no attention , " jordan continued.

 " if that was true , why she talk to shordy from foot locker ? " jaylen asked looking jordan in her eyes.


 " jass was talking to riley before i started to talk to this girl , so what's yo point ? " 

jordan sighed knowing jaylen had probably only been talking to her mysterious girl for a shorter amount of time that jass had been talking to riley.

 " you right , but we both know jass ain't taken nobody serious except for you. jass stopped pimpin just for you , and only went back because YOU broke it off for a du - for whatever reason. "

 jaylen stayed silent for a while. after a while , she just got out the car.

 " damn . hold the fuck up , b ! " jordan said to herself before getting out and catching up to her.

the two walked in , and both of their spirits were lifted. roman had it so good that living room was set up as a club. the lights were blue , and there was a kitchen bar to the right. the living room was packed , but it was so big that there was still room. the music was loud and almost everybody either had a drink in their hand or a girl on their lap.

 jordan and jaylen looked at each other and smirked. they walked through everyone , and people were putting drinks up to them and telling them hey. they found two seats and sat in them.

 " this lit as fuck , " jordan said smiling at the scene of everything. jaylen smiled back gave her a hell yeah. jaylen looked around smiling and saw somebody walking up to them. it took her eyes a while to focus on the person , but when she did , she alerted jordan immediately.

 " jordan. jordan ! " she said hitting her on her shoulder to get her attention. jordan looked up from her phone and rubbed jaylen off.

 " what ja - " she said looking up and seeing the person in front of her.

 " jordan ? " the person asked smiling at jordan. jordan looked at the person and couldn't help but admire them. 

 " yessir. who you ? " she answered clueless. jaylen sighed and the person just laughed.

 " i'm monet , shordy , " she said before gesturing for jordan to follow her to the bar close to the entrance.

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