The first...

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Richie and Eddie remembered what happened that passed night. They were at a party and they were also with Stan and Stan decided to give them 5 bottles of beer each. When they got in the car they were totally wasted and Stan just drove them both to Richies house and put them both in his bed. And they woke up like that and surprisingly didn't do anything together ;) . They found that out by texting Stan who was with them the whole time. Richie got up, went downstairs and got coffee even though he didn't like it. They later called Stan and decided to hang out with him at Richies place. Richie lives alone because he moved out 8 months ago. When they hung out Stan couldn't help but laugh and Richie and Eddie had no idea why. Stan explained that when they were at the party that Richie told Eddie he looks hot in his shorts and Eddie said "want them shorter?" And pulled them up really high and ran around like a monkey on drugs. After Richie and Eddie heard it they couldn't stop laughing and Richie said "that's why I love you" and Stan just gave Richie a blank look like his soul just came out of his body. Eddie looked at Richie and he seemed a bit upset and then...

Hey it's the author!! I like to leave people on cliff hangers and what's gonna happen is probably not what you think it is lmao kk byee

Hey it's the author!! I like to leave people on cliff hangers and what's gonna happen is probably not what you think it is lmao kk byee

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