But on a Wednesday in a cafe, I watched it begin again

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Lydia Bob Scott

"If you want to be happy, you have to be happy on purpose. When you wake up, you can't just wait to see what kind of day you'll have. You have to decide what kind of day you'll have"- Joel Osteen

Beep beep beep

I smack my alarm clock off.
I lay in bed staring at the ceiling.

How I've enjoyed not waking up to an alarm for the past few months. I love my sleep, but today is a big day! The last first day of my high school career. Senior year, an important year or so I'm told. Every year of high school has been important to me.

Senior year has been a big year for everyone in the Scott family. Its the year my parents had my brother Jamie, the year Jamie beat his own record of points for the Ravens and got a full ride to Duke, and now it's my turn, so what will it hold for me? Hopefully a perfect GPA and an acceptance into NYU my dream university! I've been in love with New York ever since my Aunt Brooke took me there summer of sophomore year!
I have pictures of that trip all over my room reminding me of the bigger picture that will become my life.
As I'm laying in bed thinking about what senior year and my future holds, I hear my mom call me from downstairs. I regretfully get out of my bed and make my way to my ensuite bathroom. Once I'm showered and ready for my day, I make my way downstairs. At the bottom of the staircase I see the kitchen table covered in food, from waffles to toast, fruit salad to cereal, it really looks like my mom went all out!

"Morning mom, morning dad" I say to get their attention.
"Good morning our daughter the Senior"my mom says clapping her hands, with a hint of sadness in her voice.
"What is all this?" I say pointing to the table.
"Your mom went a little over the top with a first day of school breakfast Bob" Dad replies, using my family nickname while earning one of moms signature glares.
"We just wanted to make sure you have a great last first day! You only have one last first day!"
"Dont you have a last first day, everyday?!" My sarcasm, causing my dad to laugh and my mom to roll her eyes.
"Anyway, sit down, eat there is obviously more than enough of your favorites on the table!"
"Looks good mom! Last time we ate like this was when Jamie was drafted! Glad to see you think starting senior year is on the same level as being drafted into the NBA" that's right, my older brother and star of Tree Hill is none other than James Lucas Scott, point guard for the Chicago Bulls.
"Speaking of getting drafted, I have to go meet Clay to see that new recruit for the Yankees" dad says getting up, kissing mom and wishing me good luck for my first day.
"So" my mom says once dad has left. " any big plans for this year? Planning on going out with a bang?"
"If by a bang you mean a perfect GPA and a full ride to NYU then yes that is my plan"
"You know what I mean, going out, meeting new people, maybe opening your heart to.."
"Mom please" I interrupt. "That's not what I'm looking for in high school, it might have worked for you and almost worked for Jamie but that's just not who I am, especially after last summer"
"I know that you still feel heartbroken after Co.." mom stops short of saying his name as I raise my eyebrows at her. The good old "C" word... no not cancer, but Cody. Captain of our rival basketball team, broke my heart, stomped on it and threw it in the bin. Good times.
"Please mom, not today! I dont want to go into today with those thoughts in my mind"
"Too soon?"
"I'm almost there but not today" I say, knowing I have to get over it sooner or later.

I finish eating as much as i can of the amazing feast my mom prepared, and go upstairs to brush my teeth and grab my bag. Climbing into my car, I stop on the way to school to pick up Jude and Davis, Aunt Brooke's kids who are a year younger than me. They honestly are more like brothers than friends. They really took after their dad in their nerdy ways. Aunt Brooke was Miss Popular and from what people have told me Uncle Julian was a nerd and a half. Jude is captain of the mathletes and Davis head of AVR and robotics.
Once I've parked my car in the Tree Hill High parking lot, Jude and Davis rush off to their club meetings after telling me they will see me at my house tonight for our usual family dinner, and I walk over to my to see my best friend in the whole world, Claire, leaning against my locker.
Claire and I have been friends since fourth grade, when we had to do a "Build your own Volcano " project for science that ended up ruining her moms white floors the living room, and our moms deciding on joint punishment of making us spend time together. Backfired on them. We have been inseparable since.

"Hey" she yells once she sees me.
"Hello, long time no see" we saw each other 2 days ago when she had a slight panic attack over what to wear for her first day back. She ended up wearing Jean's and her tight black top, the same thing I suggested she wear 2 hours prior to the panicked moment.
"How was your morning?"
"My mom went all out with a breakfast and tried to talk about you-know-who, how about you?"
"My parents cried and took a thousand pictures "
"I expect that tonight as it's our usual family dinner with everyone "
"Is your brother going to be there?" Claire asks, wiggling her eyebrows. I roll my eyes knowing that she (as well as all the other girls in tree hill) have a huge crush on him.
"No, he is busy in Chicago but I do expect a call from him after school. "
"Well say hello to him for me!"
I laugh as the bell rings indicating its time for first period.

The day drags on with AP Maths, AP English, economics, biology, business studies and finally social studies at the end of the day. You might be wondering why health class when my goal is business at university, but I had to have 1 easy class (in my opinion) where I didn't have to try to hard.
It had been quite an uneventful day up until that point. Sitting at my usual spot in the front of the class, class was about to begin when Theo Sparks, captain of the basketball team and King of the school comes rushing in causing all the girls to audibly gasp hoping for him to sit next to them. Sitting at the back of the class next to his best friend and vice captain Mike making the girls pout with sadness.
"Alright, welcome to social studies class" Mrs Newton says.
"Now you all probably think this is going to be an easy A for colleges to accept you and for some it will be! But in order to pass this class you will have to complete 1 project"
"Only 1 for the entire year?" Theo pipes up.
"Yes Mr Sparks only one"
"Sweet" he says high fiving his friend.
"But this project won't necessarily be easy, you will have to work in pairs. And no you will not be chosing your partners, you will draw a name out of a hat, once you have your partners name I will tell you the rest. Right class, since we are equal boys and girls , girls you will pull a boys name out of the hat."
So it began. Me knowing only one other guy in the class, Max, who was a hard worker like me and also had big dreams and aspirations, I really hoped to be paired with him. Seeing all the other girls getting excited when no one had yet chosen Theo. My heart sank as Max's name has picked and soon there was only Theo, Jake and Mike's names left. It was my turn to pick a name , as I reached in the hat pulling out a name.
"Lydia who did you get?" Mrs Newton asks.
Reading the name, I take a deep breath, "Theo" I say. If looks could kill, I would have been dead 14 times over with the stares I'm getting from all the girls.
I look up over to Theo and to my surprise see him smiling at me.

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