For the way you look at me ,It should all go down in history

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Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen - Michael Jordan


After the events with Cody, Theo made sure I got home safely. I could see in the walk up to my front door that he had questions to ask, but didn't want to say anything to set me off.

Last night I could hardly sleep, that even my mom was asking questions. Her and my dad don't really know the entire story of what happened with Cody. They never met him but they always wanted to. Looking back I'm really glad they never did, it was better for everyone involved.

The one night I stay awake, is the one night that Liam sleeps through most of the night. Lucky for me, Theo is taking him from tonight so hopefully I can get some rest. My parents are away with Clay and Quinn for the weekend, and tonight is my night to re-watch The Notebook and eat ice cream. At 2pm sharp there is a knock on the door, opening it up to see Theo on the other side.

"Wow, so this is the legendary Scott house" he says in awe as he walks inside.

"You say that like it is some legendary home"

"It is. This is where the legendary James Scott was taught how to be the most epic basketball player of our generation" I can see the twinkle in his eye when he speaks about Jamie, making me realize again that even when I'm with him, he still remembers who my family is.

"Ya well, it is also where I grew up." I say cutting off his speech.  "So his bag is packed, call me if you need anything and have a great night." My mood feeling like it was dropping.

Theo sensing that my mood was changing quickly picks up Liam and the bag, before wishing me a good evening.

It was later on that evening, I was sitting watching The Notebook, with my face mask on. I received a text from Claire saying that Mike was having a house party tonight and if I wanted to go.

Since when have I ever gone to those parties?

Come on it's our senior year

This won't be the last one Claire, plus I'm feeling a little down at the moment so it would be better if I'm not around people.

Party pooper ! But feel better, I'm here if you need to talk, I'll call you in the morning. Love you

Be safe, chat tomorrow. Love you.

It was around 10pm when I had started watching The Last Song that the doorbell went. Assuming it was the food that I had ordered I get up off the couch and make my way to the door, pyjamas, face mask and all. Grabbing my wallet, I'm surprised when I open the door and see Theo standing on the other side, holding Liam.


Spending the afternoon with Liam without homework or school, was very different than just having him for the night. He's a lot of hard work, and it's hard to think what I would be doing if I didn't have him. Mom and dad have gone out for dinner so it's just the two of us.

I'm glad I have taken him from Lydia, after seeing her reaction from seeing that idiot Cody and the way her body language changed when I mentioned her brother, I think she needs the break.

It's nearing 10pm when I get a call from Mike.

"Hey man where are you?"

"I'm at home, where are you? And whys it so loud?"

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