Thank God for the almost, Thank God for the so close

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Only a man who doesn't love himself, mistreats the women who loves him. - R.H Sin

"Mom! Dad! Your home early" I say as the walk through the day. Theo and I had moved to opposite sides of the couch as I stood up to greet them.

"We said Sunday, we didn't say a time" mom says as she and dad turn around and notice Theo on the couch, with a blanket covering him.

"Did we interrupt something?" Dad asks looking at theo with daggers in his eyes.

"No, no Sir, I came over to talk to Lydia regarding the project and fell asleep on the couch. She just came down and woke me up" Theo quickly stands to greet my parents.

"Well Theo, its great to finally meet you! I'm Haley and this is my husband Nathan." Mom introduces.

Theo shakes my dads hand and my moms.

"Its an honour to meet you both, you both are legends."

"Thank you, so you're the one raising a kid with my daughter."


"What? Am I not allowed to ask questions?"

"Its just a project dad, Theo is Captain of the tree hill ravens who beat Oak Lake on Friday night!"

"Congratulations, its always a big deal when we beat them! Did you celebrate the way we use to? House parties and underage drinking?"

Putting my head in my hands to hide the fact that my face has gone red with embarrassment, I'm surprised at Theos answer.

"Well there was a party last night, at Mikes, the vice captains place, no underage drinking due to the fact that his parents were home. I went but needed to talk to Lydia about something so decided to cut my time there short."

My mom has an odd look on her face, and is staring between Theo and I.

"Well Theo, I'd love to watch you play sometime" my dad says shocking everyone in the room.

"Yeah, I'd like that sir. Only if you have time of course"

"Please call me Nathan. And Lydia I think its time for you to change."

Looking down I see I'm still wearing my shorts and oversized jersey. "Right, and I suppose I better check on Liam." Walking up the stairs I hear my mom asking if he would like to stay for lunch. Knowing that my parents have never taken I liking to any guy I've talked about, I realize they must see the same thing in theo that I see.

Awhile later I come down the stairs into the kitchen, while mom is preparing lumch.

"Where's Theo?"

"He went home to change, and will be back in in about an hour" mom says.

Sitting down at the kitchen counter, needing to talk to someone.



"What do you think about Theo?"

"I like him. He brings out the more relaxed side of you. Plus you really look happy when you talk about him."

"I like him mom, I shouldn't but I do. I mean we are on different paths, our dreams are completely different, and lets be fair we really do run in different crowds."

"That doesn't mean anything, your dad and I were from different circles."

"That's also completely different, you became part of dads circle, dad didn't become part of yours"

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