Didn't know how but I always had a vision, I was gonna be that one in a million

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Theo Sparks

Today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow you want- Ken Poirot

On that same morning Theo was wide awake before Lydia's alarm even went off. He was busy outside practicing and training as that is what is expected of the newly elected captain of the Tree Hill Ravens. He had been awake since 4:30 doing cardio and weight training before moving on to the mini basketball court his parents had built to shoot some hoops.

"Theo" his mom called

"It's time to go get ready. You don't want to exhaust yourself before your day has even begum"

Knowing his mother was right; he shot one last basket, did a quick cool down and ran inside to shower.

School starts at 8am and it already was 6:45

Once he had finished showering and got ready in his jeans, white shirt and letterman jacket he made his way down stairs.

His dad was sitting at the breakfast table, reading the news on his ipad. Being a lawyer (even if only a real estate lawyer) he liked to keep up with the news.

His mom was a stay at home mom and for that he will be forever grateful.

Because of her he was able to take part in all the sports he wished as his mom was free to drive him from place to place. I really know i am one of the lucky ones. His dad made enough money so his mom didn't have to work, and after being able to only have one child his mom really wanted to be hands on.

He really did have some amazing parents, he thought to himself.

They lived in a 3 bedroom, double story home with a pool and a basketball court in the backyard. The basement had an epic entertainment system as well as a ping pong table. He and his friends always used his house for their monthly unwinding sessions. He started those weekends in sophomore year as a time and space where no one thought, talked or played basketball. Being a leader in helping his team focus is one of the reasons that he was chosen as captain.

Mental health is just as important as winning.

"Good morning parentals" he announces himself as he walks into the kitchen.

His mom hands him his protein shake, as she does every morning.

"Good morning son" his father puts down his ipad and starts sipping the coffee his wife has put in front of him.

His dad is a handsome man, with dark hair and dark eyes, whereas his mom had more light brown hair with hazel eyes. No guess where he got his brown eyes and brown hair from.

Both parents took good care of themselves, and played sport in school. His dad football; and mom cheerleading. They aren't originally from tree hill, but moved here just before I started first grade for the quiet life it has compared to Chicago. Dads Company managed to transfer him to the branch in tree hill before making him the manager.

I honestly love it here and couldn't imagine growing up anywhere else.

"I see you started early, how was your training this morning?" his dad asks

"Good, I'm probably at about 85%, just need to work on my jump shots! But I'm sure once training begins again and has my full attention, i will be back at 100%"

"That's what I like to hear! Work hard at your studies, worker harder at basketball, no distractions and those college scouts will never be able to say no!"

"Oh leave the boy alone Nicholas" his mom says rubbing her husband's shoulders. "It's his senior year he's allowed to have some fun" she looks at Theo and winks. I chuckle "dad's right mom, this is the year I have been working towards, so no distractions."

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