I found a reason And suddenly I'm not so alone

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Here I was thinking magic didn't exist, and now that is all I see when I look at you - A.R Asher


Honestly, who would of thought a doll would be so much work! I'm exhausted and it hasn't even been 24 hours. How my parents did this while in college is blowing my mind.

Liam has already been changed 4 times, been fed 5 times and cried countless times.

Hes now down for his nap, and mom is watching him in the lounge while I run up and shower. I don't want to fall behind on my other projects, so I'm hoping that for the hour he sleeps (holding thumbs) I can get up to date with everything else. As much as I want an A on this health class project, NYU is going to be looking at all my other subjects as well.

I get to my room, which thankfully has an en-suite.  Normally I'm a neat freak but right now I just want to shower and get started on work. Cleaning can wait. I'm assuming this is how all new moms feel. New mom, look at me, actually assuming I'm on the same wave length as a real mom. In 9 months time I hand him back and carry on with my life, that is not how it works in the real world.

Having quite possibly the fastest shower I have ever had, I quickly walk back to my bed and grab my pj's. Might as well wear them so when I finally fall asleep I don't have to change.

My room is a soft turquoise with white. A very calming atmosphere. A queen size bed by the window which gets amazing morning sun and views of the lake. A small balcony which I use for quiet time, and my en-suite and walk in robe connected to the right as you walk in the room.

Once I'm dressed, and get back downstairs I see Liam still asleep in his sleeper cot and mom busy making dinner. As I'm about to say something dad arrives home. He very loudly announces his arrival causing Liam to wake up with a start.as I rush to pick him up, i hear dad say to mom "it's been awhile since I had to worry about how loud I am" thanks for that dad.

Taking Liam upstairs, I finally calm him down and get him down. Walking downstairs I can smell the aromas coming from moms kitchen. Its spaghetti night tonight, my favorite. Especially when it's all vegetables!

Sitting down for dinner as a family, we finally get around to talking about my day.

"Well you both have met Liam. Full name Liam Scott Sparks. I have him for the week and then Theo will take over. We will be doing it in weeks, so we both do the same amount of work and no body is slacking. Hes a lot of work and I have absolutely no idea how you two did it but my respect has grown about 1000% for the both of you"

"From the 2 seconds I saw it, it looks kind of creepy" dad says

"Its very different having a doll over a real baby. And yes it's going to be hard, but sweetheart you have us to help, just like we had your grandparents well not so much your dads but mine, when they were around and not traveling."

The confusion clear on my face, mom carries on,

"We had friends, Brooke, Lucas, Peyton and when you came along, Quinn, Clay and Julian."

"Also we knew what we were doing when you came around" dad says.

"So what your saying is Jamie was the test run and I'm the perfect one?"

"Don't push it"

"What we saying is, you have us and you have Theo who I'm assuming is going to be really helpful, so when you need a break we will be there for you."

"Thanks mom, thanks dad. It's hard to believe we talking about a doll and not a real life human baby. But the way you two are acting I'm assuming it would be okay to bring home a human baby"

The looks I received tell me I am 100% wrong in my assumption.

"No, okay, don't worry not happening anytime soon."

And at that moment Liam starts crying through the monitor.

"Duty calls"

Getting upstairs,  I feed and change him before settling down for the hour to finish off my work.

As I'm climbing into bed a check my phone and see I have a message.

Theo: "Hope our little one isn't giving you too much trouble ;) See you both at school!"

Reading that, I cant help but fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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