The kind of treasure that you pray for at a wishing well

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You are a mystery to me, yet so familiar. Like a song I've never heard before, and a tune I've known my entire life - Pavana


Later that night, I'm debating whether I should message Lydia or not. It was the first day of having Liam and I didnt want her to think that I dont care. But maybe it will look like I'm too over bearing! God this is hard, I want to message her just because but I know that will seem weird.  I'm probably over thinking this completely!

Putting my phone on charge, and leaving it in my room I make my way downstairs knowing I'd be tempted to call her if I kept my phone.

After practice today all the guys were asking Mike and I about the project. Mike had it easy being partnered with someone he knew and not really caring enough if he had to leave the kid with his parents while he went out. My parents on the other hand told me this morning that as much as it's a project I need to take it seriously and they will not unless it is dier circumstances look after my kid. 

My kid. It's a doll, a piece of plastic. Dont know why I'm getting wrapped up in this project, I have about 5 other projects to worry about plus basketball.  I'm so grateful that Lydia has taken Liam for the first week. Feels weird thinking that this doll has a name now. Almost makes him feel real. 

Liam Scott Sparks. It was amazing how simple and easy it was with coming up with a name together. She even considered naming him in the traditional manner her family does. Shows how serious she is taking this. Which is why I have to take it it seriously. I dont want to let her down.

Dad is working late and mom is at her monthly book club. So it's just me tonight. Walking into our kitchen, I open the pantry doors that look like barn doors. Mom saw them on a show once and just had to have them. The whole house is designed and set out open plan so even if we aren't in the same room we can all hang out together. Looking at the junk food, knowing mom would kill me if I didn't eat a proper meal, I turn and walk out towards the oven and seeing the lasagna mom told me would be there. I heat it up and go and sit on the couch, turning to the sports channel to catch up on all the sporting news.

About an hour later I get up from the couch, I wash my plate and pack it away. Stretching I make my way up to my room.
My room is what one would consider the attic, but my parents designed the house so that the top floor would be like my own place. The roof is slanted with an open brick wall, as you walk in my desk is on the right and a door that leads to my ensuite and closet is on the left. It has a couch and a double bed making it the perfect chill place. I dont spend alot of time up here as we are a close family, I like hanging out with my parents.

Once I've showered and brushed my teeth, I get into bed. Only then do I look at my phone.

No messages.

Sighing I decide I wont sleep if I dont message her.

To Baby Mama: hope your first day with Liam went great.  Cant wait to hear all about it in the morning. 😉

Smiling I put my phone down and turn the light out for the night.

Title comes from song below! South African artist!!

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