But Just like a Lifeline Right on Time

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I never liked that song until I danced to it with you- Chelsea Stark


The next morning, dad is out and mom is sitting on the lounges outside.

"Morning mother"

"Well good morning daughter, or is it afternoon as you slept a lot longer than usual"

"Don't know what happened, I was just so comfortable. Thanks for dealing with Liam"

"No problem, he is a pretty easy doll"

"Just a couple of more months left, and then I will be waiting another 10 years before I have a real one."

"Probably best to wait" Mom says

Sitting at on the lounger next to my mom, I close my eyes.

"So, can I ask yet about Cody?"


"Lydia it seems that this is something big you are keeping to yourself"

"There's a good reason for that. " I mumble

"Did he hurt you?" my asks worried

"No, no nothing like that. He just made me feel stupid"


Taking a deep breath, I sit up and proceed to tell my mom the truth about Cody.

"That little ass!" my mother says quite viciously after I finish with my story.


"What? How dare he try and use you like that?! And then he proceeds to spread rumours about you?"

"I didn't want it to effect his chances of getting a scholarship, he would probably blame me anyway if he doesn't get one"

"Well with that attitude even if he gets one it won't last long, plus he is not a great player"


"Well he's not! Watching last night he likes to be the main star never passes the ball! I'm just sorry you felt you couldn't come to me. And I'm also going to have a word with Brooke about keeping secrets from me."

"It's not that I couldn't come and tell you, it's that I didn't want to. As much as we are close, there are just some things I don't feel comfortable talking to you about."

"I get it. I never spoke to my mom about sex."

"Ok first off, eew! And second, you got married when you were 16, I'm pretty sure grandma knew it wasn't just for fun!"

"Well just so we are on the same page, you can come and talk to me about anything and I promise I won't judge any decision you make." Mom says patting my leg

"Thanks mom, sorry I didn't tell you before. And when you tell dad, make sure he doesn't judge him on his attitude towards me and on his playing ability" I say getting up.

"I can't believe I raised such a considerate daughter" I laugh as I walk inside.

The days and months drag on and nothing has progressed between Theo and I. for Valentine's Day I found a bunch of roses outside the front door with a note for me. Then when I got to school and opened my locker there was a pink peony inside.

Claire loves the fact that Theo and I have a very unorthodox friendship going on. She is the girl who always wished her life to be like a movie, so she is living her fantasy through me.

The assignments are getting more and we only have a month left with Liam. It's quite sad that its coming to an end. Theo and I have spent every weekend together. Our families have gotten together a few more times. Dad and uncle clay have seen Theo play and I have heard murmurs between the two of them that they think Theo has what it takes to make it big. I've told them I don't want to be involved in anything about Theo's career as I don't want people to think I had a hand in anything.

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