One day, we could be maybe more than two lost souls just passing by

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"You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. Together we can do great things'- Mother Theresa

After the initial shock of being teamed up with Theo, Mrs Newton asks for all the pairs to sit next to each other. Realizing i wasn't going to move, Theo makes his way over to me.

"Hey" he says

"Hello" I reply

"This is weird; I've never sat in the front of a class"

Before I can even reply, Mrs. Newton asks us to take out a pen and paper so we will know what is expected of us. Being who I am, I have a special notebook and pen especially for projects so everything is in one place.

Theo just pulls out a random piece of paper and grabs my pencil from my pencil box. Shaking my head at that behavior, I label the top of my paper and get ready to hear what happens next.

"So for this years project, you and your partner" she points to us all, "will have to look after a baby"

Theo drops the pencil he was holding, and I stop writing as my jaw drops.

I want to say something but no words want to come out.

"So before you all freak out, hear me out" Mrs newton says.

"Each of you will receive a doll. It will be an interactive doll with it being able to record all movements and activities. Each week you will be expected to write in a journal about your experiences. You all will also be given a breakdown of what your relationship status is, as well as a job description and income you will earn. Then you will have to budget on how much it will cost to raise a child on both your salaries. This project is to show you how expensive children are and to think twice before you have unprotected sex."

As much as this project has left me with my jaw on the floor, I pick up my pen to write all this information down.

"All right class, here is each of your envelops. Inside is your job description, the salary you will earn, as well as your working hours. This will also include your relationship status. Please ensure that you research your job to see what your profession says about having children."

Mrs Newton hands out the envelopes to all of us.

"Right you have 20 minutes left of the class, so sit and discuss the project with your partner"

Everyone picks up their envelops and begins talking. I see Theo pick up his so I slowly pick up mine.

"Professional sports star, Yas!" Theo says excitedly. "and that's a pretty good salary" he says with a smile.

I carefully open mine, a bit nervous about what it is going to say.

"Morning only admin assistant" odd but interesting...

"My salary isn't as great as yours but I probably see the child more than you."

"Lets see what our relationship status is" he looks at me with a smirk

God, why is that smile making me feel things!

"Okay, it says that we share custody with it being split weekly between the two of us. The hand over of said child will happen every Sunday unless we make another arrangement."

"So it sounds like we will be doing equal parts of this project."

Its great knowing that he will also have to put in the effort and wont just be relying on me to help us pass.

"So who wants to begin with the child?" he asks

"Well we get it tomorrow, so ill draw up a schedule for both of us, so that way we know how to plan our lives. Ill bring the car seat that we can both share"

"How come you have a car seat lying around?"

"Its in the attic, mom is a bit sentimental"

"Okay class, school ends in about 5 minutes. Make sure you have all your information regarding the project so you can begin your research. Tomorrow you will be receiving your babies so make sure you are prepared. Enjoy your last afternoon child free"

"So, tomorrow we become parents" Theo says packing his envelop into his backpack

"Looks like it" I reply, swinging my bag onto my back

"Are you ready for this adventure?" he says once we have been dismissed.

Taking a deep breath and looking up at him as we walk out the classroom

"Bring it on!"


Sorry it's so short. It has been awhile since I updated so I just wanted to get the next chapter out. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Until next time xoxo

Title of chapter is from the song below :)

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