Wish me good luck, think it's a right one and you know what I got my eye on

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Each of us is a story, waiting for a devoted reader who will take us off the shelf and embrace all our plot twists. – John Mark Green

A/N even though I take forever to update, thank you to the few that are reading this story. Currently sitting at #60 for Ravens, #393 out of 3.19K for Sport and #167 for One Tree Hill. I have posted some photos at the end of the chapter so you can see what I'm thinking regarding Theo and Lydias homes. Thinking I'm going to be posting shorter chapters as I have a deadline for myself as I have another completely different book idea! Chat Soon xoxo


Sitting at the breakfast table the next morning, busy doing the English reading so I don't fall behind with all my projects. Trying to concentrate my mind keeps going back to the fact that today one of the hardest projects of my senior year begins.

I'm trying to keep my thoughts off a certain someone I will be working with. I don't fully understand why I have him in my brain, I don't even know him but just the way he looked and spoke to me yesterday made me understand why the girls fall all over him. The sarcastic way he spoke made me feel like I could be myself with him, there was no judgement. It was worrisome, as I didn't need that distraction.

Already my mind is wondering while trying to study and I don't need that for the entire year.

Shaking my head I get back to my reading.

I get the car seat ready and as I'm leaving the house my parents tell me to have a good day with a smirk knowing it was going to be a hard day.

Arriving at school, I meet up with Claire who couldn't stop talking once again about Theo and asking how Jamie was. Once I'm at my locker I've caught her up on my life and I'm listening intently to all her plans for her senior year.

She wants to go to LA next year to study law and have as she calls it her "legally blonde experience" as much as she sounds like she doesn't work hard and loves to socialise, she works damn hard to get what she wants.

Mom likes to say she's like Aunt Brooke, people definitely underestimate her.

The day seems to drag on, trying my best to concentrate on the lessons I am in. I haven't seen Theo today and hope like hell he is here so I don't have to do this by myself. At lunch I don't even catch a glimpse of him or his friend mike for that matter, I've known the guy for one whole day and already my eyes wonder to his table in the quad. I can see Claire notices but is nice enough to leave it alone.

Eventually we make it to the last lesson of the day. I take a deep breath and walk into the class and greet Mrs. Newton. I take my seat in the front and glance over to the boxes behind her desk. This is it, and I have no idea why I'm so nervous. I take out my notebook and pen and try to calm my nerves, thinking that it's just like any other project I have done. Taking another deep breath, I start chewing my pen while looking over the notes I had made and wait in anticipation for Theo to arrive.


Running to health class I make it one minute before the bell goes. I look into the room and see Lydia in her usual seat at the front, chewing her pen. It's a sight that I know is going to be stuck with me for a while. She has been stuck in my head for the last 24 hours. How can someone you just met take up so much space in your mind? Making my way into the class, I can see the boxes of the robot babies waiting to be handed out behind Mrs. Newton's desk. Sitting in the seat next to Lydia I can see her jump in fright of not expecting me.

"Hey" I say

"Hey, didn't think you were here today"

"Oh ya, I was in coaches' office talking about the scouts coming this season" I say nonchalantly but inside I'm freaking out

All Too WellOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz