You make your plans, and you hear God laughing

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It's funny how you can go for a long time in life not needing someone, and then you meet them and suddenly you need them all the time. - Meg Wolitzer


After finishing researching about admin Assistant (they do photocopying, answering phones, assisting the bosses and doing basic computer work) it's about time to get ready for my family dinner.

Aunt Brooke and Uncle Julian as well as their twins plus Aunt Quinn and Uncle Clay and my cousin Logan will be here.

It's a diner to celebrate the start of my final year of high school.
Jude and Davis are a year younger than me, and are at my high school while Logan is home from university.

That night after explaining the project, everyone couldn't understand the point.

Sitting around the table everyone was joking and saying how mom and dad should have done this project.

"You all laugh now, but what would our lives be like if we didn't have Jaime?" Mom asks.

Everyone agrees, if they didn't get together and have a kid the chances are no one would still be friends, and honestly I couldn't imagine how my life would be without these people in my life.

Aunt Quinn was there for me when I couldn't turn to my mom, Aunt Brooke was the one who helped me with navigating high school (according to her, she helped my mom get through high school)

Logan was like another big brother to me, God forbid anyone tried anything with me.

Jude and Davis are the baby brothers I never had as well and the quiet technological genius' that we turn to for everything, one day they will be taking over the world.

Uncle Clay and Uncle Julian are the ones you turn to when you need a pick me up.

I look around and see most of my favourite people sitting around the table. Only people missing are Uncle Luc, Aunt Peyton, Sawyer and my big brother Jamie.

Jamie and I, even though we are almost 10 years apart, are as close as siblings can get. He has my back in everything I do and I have his.

Yes I know that some people only talk to me because of who he is and what he has achieved, but Jamie never gave them the time of day. That's why I'm only close to Claire because as much as she jokes about liking him, she couldn't care less about who he is.

He called me tonight and almost had a heart attack when I told him about the health class project. He told me that he wants to meet the man who will be raising a kid with me, and when I told him he is the captain of the basketball team, he told me to avoid him completely. I asked him not to worry about me as this was an important season for him. He has worked his entire life to be there I don't need him worrying about me as well.

After dinner that night, I'm busy getting ready for bed. I can't believe my first day of senior year is over. I look over to the calendar and mark off the date. Only 273 days left before I'm done with high school.

As I'm getting into bed my phone dings with a message from an unknown number.

Unknown: tomorrow we become parents; enjoy your last night of peace!

It takes me a moment to realize its Theo.

shaking my head, I save his number and crawl into bed after replying.


After spending the afternoon completing homework, and watching training videos, I'm finally sitting down to dinner with my parents.

"So son, how was school?" My Dad asks.

"It was good, got all our assignments for the year so at least I can get started so my school so my basketball doesn't suffer."

"Tell him about your health class project" mom pipes up.

"I have to look after a robot doll with Lydia for the year" I say before taking a mouth full of mash potatoes..

Dad looks at mom and then me, "what?"

After swallowing, I explain to my dad what exactly is meant by the project.

"Lydia Scott, any relation to Jamie?"

"It's his sister" I reply

"Interesting" he says. "You going to make sure your basketball doesn't suffer?"

"Yes dad, plus Lydia is a hard worker I'm sure this project won't be too hard."

"A project involving a robotic baby definitely won't be easy either" mom says.

Later that night I message mike to see if he has Lydia's number as he is in the IT club with her friends Davis and Jude. He sends it straight to me.

Mike: Why do you need it?

Me: need to have my baby momma's number  :)

Mike: *rolling eyes*

I save her number and decide to text her

Me: tomorrow we become parents; enjoy your last night of peace!

As I walk out of the bathroom I see my phone light up with a message

Baby Momma: enjoy your last night of being alone

Reading the message I smile to myself as I climb into bed.

A/N: Shorter chapter tonight. Needed to update as have had a thousand ideas for this story in my mind! Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Title of this chapter from the song below!

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