Just a Simple Touch and Honey, I'm Shook

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"We found each other by accident, by which i mean every power in the universe made it so". - Nicholas A. Browne


After telling Theo about Cody, it felt like a weigh had been lifted. I had been holding on to that for so long, it feels weird to be able to breath properly again. That night when I get out the shower I received a text from Theo:

I had a great time today. Your family is pretty amazing  :) 

They had fun with you too. Also thanks for letting me get some things off my chest!

I'm always here for you Lydia

My heart flutters reading that last message.

That night I sleep better than I have in ages.

Walking into school the next morning, I make my way over to Claire.

"So, how was the party?" I ask her

"It was ok, slept most of the day yesterday. But nevermind that, what happened with Theo on Saturday night?"

"How do you know about that?"

"Well, I spoke to him on Saturday when I saw him at the party. He was sulking in the corner, and after he yold me you saw Cody, I told him its probably best if he went back to you!"

"So I have you to thank" I say with a smile

"Your so welcome! But seriously, are you ok? I should have come to you instead of going to the party!"

"Its ok Claire, really. Once Theo came over and we talked it out, and I realized I was overreacting, it all worked out."

"I'm glad. He really is a good guy"

I smile at her as the bell rings for first lesson. As I walk away I mime a quick thank you again to Claire.

The day flies by wiith no problems. I don't see Theo at all as he has different classes to me today. I really wanted to see him and talk to him, but we never really spoke before this project, so Im not really sure where we stand.

Finishing the day, I make my way home. Exams before winter break are coming up, and I know that these are just a prelude to what finals are really going to be like.

Once I'm home and get started on my homework and studying (I take after my mom in this sense definitely not my Dad) my mind keeps going to Theo. He has Liam today, but not for the first time my mind isn't thinking about Theo and the project, I'm thinking just about Theo. It shouldn't annoy me that we didn't see each other today, there was no need to see him. But I really wanted to see him. Shaking my head to rid my head of the thoughts I'm having, I go back to the homework at hand.

The rest of the week goes by the same way. I see Theo during health class but we discuss Liam and make sure all that we have written down for the project is the same. We don't mentioned what happened over the weekend as I don't want the whole school to know what has happened to me. But that is the extent of our communication. It's Friday and tonight I am going over to Theo's house to get Liam.

I have never been to Theo's house or met his family. He doesn't speak much about them but from what he has said they pretty close. I don't know if they will be there tonight, but I do know I would like to talk to him just to know what page he is on.

Arriving at 5pm, his house looks like a modern day farmhouse. It's about a 5 minute drive away from my house, closer to Aunt Brooke and Julian's place.

Getting out the car, I make my way up the drive. I see Theo's car parked in the driveway as well as another car. Knocking on the door, I hear movement before Theo opens the door.

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