It's knowing that it's flying away And there's no way to slow it down

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There is something in us that is very much attracted to madness. Everyone who looks off the edge of a tall building has felt at least a faint urge to jump - Stephen King


Once I'm home, I get baby Liam out the car and into my house. Walking in I make my way straight to my room. I know mom and dad aren't home yet, mom working late at the cafe and dad busy doing paper work with clay.

My room is a light blue color, having realized as much as I love the color pink, I didn't really like the tiara pink my parents had painted it. On the left hand side of my bed there is an en suite and on the right another door that leads to my closet. Next to the entrance is my desk and shelves for studying. I see my mom has put the bassinet that she used with me in the room for Liam.

It's quite weird how calm my parents are being with this project.

Placing Liam in the bassinet, I pull out my year planner and start writing our entire plan down. Me, having him for the first week, and then splitting each weekend between the two of us.

Before I get started on the rest of my work, I walk over to my closet and as I'm about to go change, the baby starts crying. I walk over and pick him up, his crying getting louder; I realize this is going to be much harder than I thought. After feeding, burping and changing him, he seems to have settled. Putting him down again; I realize it's taken me 45 minutes to calm him. I've hardly done anything, I start panicking about my school work.

Taking a moment to calm my thoughts, I change into my workout gear, thinking a walk would do me good. Finding that my mom had pulled out all my old baby stuff I get the stroller ready for Liam. I pack a bag for him as well as grab a bottle of water for myself.

Placing Liam in the stroller once I have it all downstairs, I make my way out of the door.

I know exactly where I'm heading as its been my favorite place growing up. I grew up watching my dad and Jamie practice here, having picnics with my mom and eventually learning how to play basketball myself.

The rivercourt is my sanctuary, my safe space. A place that I can sit and look out to the river and just think. Its about a 10 minute walk from my house. I walk thinking about the year ahead, how I must cherish these moments as literally in a few months time I will probably be in New York, finding another favorite spot, having to maneuver my way around a city that I know in my heart is where I belong. I love Tree Hill, there really is no place like it in the world. But small towns come with their own problems, everyone knowing you, your family and what your up too. I suppose being a member of the "Scott" family doesn't help. I love my family and all they have been through to achieve what they have, but I feel I need to make my own way in the world.

Arriving at the rivercourt, I take a seat on the bench over looking the water. I look over at this little doll next to me, its been a whole of 4 hours since i have gotten Liam, and already I'm exhausted. I honestly take my hat off to teen moms who are also at school, this really is no joke.

I stay at the river for another 20 minutes before I get a message from my mom asking where I am.

Taking a deep breath, and start my journey back home.

I look at Liam and wonder what exactly this year is going to hold.

Song title came from song below

Short Chapter for you all! Show of appreciation for making All Too Well #5 in Ravens, #65 in Sport and #35 in One Tree Hill!  Xoxo

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