There's a rumor going 'round about me and you

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When someone elses' happiness is your happiness, that is love. - Lana Del Rey


After slamming the door in theos face, I can help but be so mad as him. I never go to basketball games, especially when I know that Cody is playing but I decided to go because I thought I wouldn't run into him. Then I run into him and instead of Theo being there for me and doing his part of the project, no he drops off Liam with me to go and party. Guess he hasn't really changed like I thought he had, and maybe I did read to into hs actions towards me. 

Once again I'm the naïve girl who fell for the basketball star without them willing to catch me. Well if that's how it is, we will be civil adults about this project, but there will be no need to talk outside of school about anything else!

I go wash my face and settle Liam down for the night. The doorbell goes and my food is finally delivered. I finish watching my current movie while eating my Chinese. Once its over, I don't feel like sleeping, I make myself a cup of tea and settle down to watch another movie. Its close to midnight when there is a knocking at the door. Getting up slowly, I look out the window to see who it could be, being very thankful I hadn't watched any scary movies. Seeing a frantic Theo knocking at the door, giving me the impression something had happened or was very wrong. Part of me wants to ignore it, but the other part , the kind part, knows I need to see what is wrong.

Slowly opening the door, I see a relieved Theo, looking like he didn't think I would open the door.

"What are you doing here Theo, and at midnight?"

"I'm sorry, I was a complete jerk, I should never had dropped Liam on you when you are clearly going through something when you saw Cody on Friday night, and I made it out like I only cared for myself when I really do care for you, and I care for this project, and I want a great grade cause I want to make something of myself besides basketball."

Once hes finished his ramble, he takes a deep breath and looks at me expecting me to say something.

"Um, do you, do you want to come in?"

"Sure, thanks"

Closing the door, I take a deep breath before turning around and facing him.

"Look im sorry for snapping at you. I know you care but seeing Cody, put me on edge. He made me relize why I don't put myself out there any more."

"Thank you for coming to the game, I didn't realize what I was putting you through. What did he do to you anyway?"

"That's a story for another time..."

Silence takes over, but before it can get awkward, I hear myself saying.

"I just made some tea if you would like some?"

"Sure, that would be great"

"There is left over Chinese if you would like?"

"Chinese my favourite" he says enthusiastically

Before I know it we are sitting on the couch, eating cold chinese and drinking tea.

"So what were you doing before I came knocking at your door?"

"Binge watching romantic movies and eating Chinese"

"Ooh what movies?" he asks before picking up the dvd covers

"You know" he says "I've never seen The Notebook!"

"You are kidding!"

He shakes his head, "No I haven't"

"Well do you want to watch it? I know its late and if you need to get home I'll understand" I say hoping he will say yes to staying.

"Well my parents assume im staying at Mikes so I think I'm ok to stay, but if we are going to do this, we need popcorn!"

"We have just eaten Chinese food, where would you put popcorn?"

He shrugs, "Can't have a movie without it"

The next morning, I feel a weight on my stomach. Moving I see Theo lying behind me cuddling into me.

Sitting up with a jump, theo wakes up just as startled as me.

"Whats going on?"

"I think we fell asleep after the movie"

"Oh im sorry" he says rubbing the sleep out of his eyes

"No its ok"

All of a sudden I hear the door opening.

"Oh crap"

"Who is it?"

"Um, my parents"... 

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