How lucky was I that our Moment was Set in Stone

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"I knew right away that you were for me, there were no reservations or second thoughts, I saw you and in an instant knew in my bones, my soul had known your soul lifetimes ago"- Beau Taplin


It had been exactly 2 weeks since I had last seen Lydia. We had been texting while she was away, and I honestly can say I have missed her. Never in my wildest dreams did I think this would happen to me, let alone in high school.

We had been talking about our high school experiences and how different they had been. The fact that I knew her name but knew nothing about her and we are at the same high school is quite shocking.

We had even talked about a party we both attended but didn't know.

There is a party that all seniors and juniors go to at the end of each school year. Before the start of summer. It is when the clock strikes midnight and the juniors become seniors and the seniors records get removed from the system. It's at an abandoned house that has been there since my parents were in high school.

I had been dragged there by Mike. Ashley, one cheerleader, had been annoying me the entire week leading up to the party about going together. I had decided not to go at all just so she could get off my back, but Mike wouldn't hear of it. So that's how I ended up there that night. It's a similar story to how Lydia got to be there. Claire, her best friend, dragged her out that night. She even said her parents said she had to go as it was a rite of passage.

I don't know how we got on the subject but she mentioned she had seen me that night, I had been drinking but she, being who she is was only drinking cool drink. She was sitting around the bonfire talking with Claire, when I had escaped from Ashley and had gone outside for some fresh air. Someone had a camera and was busy documenting the night. Next thing I heard was "smile" and someone had taken a group shot. I assumed it was a senior, but the next day mike had brought a stack of Polaroid's over. I didn't even pay attention to them until Lydia told me she thought we had a picture together.

Digging through a shoebox of pictures I had in my room, I finally found it. There underneath ticket stubs from basketball games and picture with my friends, is a picture of Lydia and I. Sure there are others in it but she is sitting right next to where I am standing. Smiling to myself I take a picture and send it to Lydia. Who knew that a few months later, we would be more than just a boy and a girl in a photograph to each other.


It's the end of January and we only have 4 months left of senior year. Since Lydia has gotten back from her vacation we have been hanging out more. She is even helping me study and I'm helping her get out more. Sure there have been talk of us around school, but we pay no attention to it. Nothing romantic has happened between us even though it feels like something will. She hangs out at my house and even has had dinner with my parents a couple times, and I've been hanging out with her and her parents. Her dad has even come and seen me play basketball.

The project has been going well. We have gotten into such a great routine with Liam. We really are on the same wavelength when it comes to this project. As much as I thought this would make me run behind in my other school work. When Lydia can, she assists and when I can (which is not often) I help her.

It's Friday night, and we are playing against Oak Lake again. But this time it's not just Lydia who will be there. Her parents will be there as well as my parents. Normally my dad would be working late so it's a big deal for them to be here.

I know that Cody will be there, and knowing Lydia's family have never seen him play, makes me nervous. I know I'm a good player and I don't want to be outplayed by him in front of them, especially not in front of Lydia. We haven't spoken about Cody since she told me what he had done. For that I am glad, he is not worth her time and effort. So tonight I will make sure I play my absolute best.


Tonight will be the first time that Theo's parents and my parents will be meeting. I know mom has wanted to meet them, so the best place is going to be the school gym. I don't even care that they are playing against Oak Lake.

Sitting in the gym, I'm sitting at the end of the bleachers with mom next to me. Theo's parents haven't arrived yet as we got here earlier so dad could talk to the coach.

"Isn't that Cody?" mom asks when she looks over to the other team.

"Yup that's him" I reply looking down to make sure Liam is ok.

"What ever happened with you two?"

"Just never worked out I guess"

Mom gives me a weird look but ignores it as I stand when I see Theo's parents.

"Mr and Mrs Sparks! It's so good to see you. These are my parents Haley and Nathan Scott. Well my mom, dad is still down there with the coach." I point to where my dad is.

"Hi, Haley Scott nice to meet you" mom shakes their hands

"Hi, I'm Elizabeth and my husband Nicholas. It's so nice to finally meet you. You have such an incredible daughter!"

"Well we did the best with what we had" my dad says standing next to Mr Sparks.

"Thanks Dad"

"Hi, Nathan nice to meet you" Dad says shaking their hands.

We all take our seat as the music starts as they get ready to announce the Ravens.

Mom and Mrs Sparks talk during the game and dad and Mr Sparks get up to discuss the first quarter with the coach. Cody once again smirks at me but it doesn't have the same effect on me as it once did.

After the game, which was a very close win for the Ravens, mom invites the Sparks over for dinner. I know it's a big sacrifice for Theo as his whole team was out celebrating. He was given the option to not come, but decided to anyway.

That night is one of the best nights I have. Our parents get on like a house on fire. They couldn't be more opposites but the conversation never stops.

Once they leave, just before midnight, after Theo helps me put Liam to bed, my mom comes into my room.

"So I've always thought Theo was a great guy, and now after meeting his parents I can see where he gets it from."

"They really are a great family" I say climbing into bed.

"Is anything going on between you two?" my mom cautiously asks me

I look at her and shake my head, "No" I whisper

"But you want there to be?" she presses on

"I don't know, he makes me feel like I want there to be but, we have 4 months of school and then summer and we both are going to different colleges so there really is no point"

"There's always a point if you want to try"

Looking away from her, I try to think of another reason why nothing can happen between us.

"What happened between you and Cody?"

"Mom it's late, can we please discuss this in the morning?"

"Ok, but we will be discussing it! Goodnight, love you" she leans over and kisses my forehead.

Shutting off my light, I go to sleep with my mind on Theo and the future.

A/N- please dont forget to vote for this story, I know that its not everyones cup of tea, but thank you to the ones who have been voting! Xoxo Louise

Title Inspiration Below. I heard this song and knew that I had to incorparate it into this story.  

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