I Saw your Face and my Whole Life Changed

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So this is what real love feels like


It had been a little over 3 months since I had seen Theo. It was an emotional goodbye filled with promises that that wouldn't be the last time we would see each other. We have spoken non-stop over text and face time. He is doing so well at Duke, keeping his GPA up while playing on the Blue Devils Basketball team, I've never been so proud. Here at NYU living in Greenwich Village has been a dream. The classes are incredible and my professors are amazing. Living in New York is exactly how I thought it would be. It really is the city that never sleeps, always something going on. Some of the people in my student hall have tried to get me to go to a few parties, and even though I have, I really wish Theo was with me. I know he goes out with his teammates after every game to celebrate a win or a loss. Knowing he is playing so well I wouldn't be surprised if he gets drafted in the next year.

Its coming up for winter break, and with Theos parents deciding to go on a cruise he has decided to stay at Duke. My parents were expecting me home for the holidays.

With Duke being 2 hours away from Tree Hill, I had convinced my parents to allow me to go and surprise him. It helps that my parents really like him and he has the outmost respect for my parents. Theo has told me countless times that his teammates have said how jealous they are that he has met both Nathan and Jamie Scott. He hasn't said im related to them, just that we had met them by living in the place they grew up.

I make the hour and 30 min flight from New York to North Carolina. Excited to see my family after nearly 3 months. Arriving and seeing the weather changing gets me excited about Christmas.

"Are you really sure you want to spend Christmas away from us?" my mom says hugging me.

"I am mom, but if you don't want me to go I'll stay." I say while packing my bag.

"No, no, you deserve to go and have fun with Theo. Have you told him yet?"

"Um, no. I'm gonna surprise him!"

"Aww how sweet, hopefully he is happy to see you"

"Whats that suppose to mean?"

"Oh nothing, its just university is different to high school that's all"

"Mom, you and dad survived time apart, you survived being married in high school and you are still going strong. Yes not everyone lasts, but I trust him so yes I am hoping he will be happy to see me."

"I'm sorry, I just don't want you to get hurt again."

"I understand and I told you about Cody so you could see where I was coming from, when I asked you about moving on to the next step in a relationship"

"Ok, eew I don't need to hear anymore"

"Sorry mom"

After I finished packing, and had dinner with the family, I head up to bath before heading to bed before having to make the 2 hour drive to Duke university. I phone Theo before getting into bed.

"Hey you"

"Hey babe, how are you?" he says answering

"I'm good and you? Where are you?"

"Oh sorry, it's a little load, my roommate has a few friends over, so it's a bit cramped in her"

I hear a girl telling Theo to move up on the bed and my heart stops.

"Um, it sounds like im interrupting something Theo, so I'll speak to you in the morning" 

"No Lydia its not what you think..."

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