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~As every beginning starts
with mistakes~

   Remind me why do we have to move again"? I groaned

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   Remind me why do we have to move again"? I groaned.

"Amber, not this question again."
My dad was so annoyed because I was continuously irritating him asking him this question. He knew it was difficult for me to move. It was difficult for him too. He lived here his whole life. This place is where he met my mom , fell and love and did the most amazing thing by creating me!
But he had to move for his work.

But even he knew that it was such a painful process moving from place to place. It was leaving a part of your life.
Part of your memories.
Part of you happiness.
A part of you in a place where you grew up.

But me and Dad had to because he had to shift his work. His law firm was actually important and there was nothing that could have prevented us from moving.

And do not even get me started on the packing. Packing was such a pain. I had lived here my whole life. I took me days to even uproot my room. And organising. For a person who claims to be organised I AM definitely not. 

While cleaning out the kitchen I had broken 2 glasses , a glass jar and a plate. Every time I broke something , my dad would come running to see something had happened to me. Finally the poor man gave up and offered to do all the work. 

Dad. Oh dad. What would I do without him?

I didn't want to leave this house. I grew up here. My life was in this house. All my memories. My small garden. The scent of flowers in my small garden. I just couldn't. Most importantly mom lived here. Painful topic. No.

And school. My school. My best friends. My everything. I grew up here. This place taught me what was what. Farewell with my friends was yesterday and I couldn't bear it.

Zoe, Harry and Rita , made sure I got the proper farewell party. I was an extrovert. But I didn't have a lot of friends.  I mean, I love talking. More than friendly I was popular.  

Most of the people came just because of Harry. He was such a gem everyone just fell for him. I still wonder how we were best friends. Because he's a total different person than me. He was the dreamy quarterback who needed enormous amount of help from me to keep his grades up. 

He bought me Pizza , so I never minded. 

Harry was the saddest when I told him 4 months ago that I would be leaving. It took me 2 months of consoling him that I was actually going to leave.He finally did. With a reluctant Zoe who was equally sad.

Zoe, Harry and me were through everything in the past years.
Leaving them would be so painful.
I could never gel with anyone else so well.

And math club.
My life revolved around it.
Math was everything.

After years of bullying on the sides and winning math tournaments hand in hand was the best thing. Mathematics meant so much to me. I seemed too humorous and sassy to be a Mathlete. But I was one. And a good one at that too. (not bragging)

It was a good bundle of memories to leave with , but I couldn't.

Our flight was in the evening and dad headed up early to the movers office. I wanted to stay until the last moment and if given I would've stayed there for eternity.
The house meant a lot. A lot to me.

Even when the cab arrived, I took a walk through the house, feeling every wall and inhaling every scent. Mom's room. My room. My window. The light falling in through it. The wooden creaks. And my wardrobe door. I had painted them when I was kid. It was messy yet beautiful. 
It was so painful to depart.

I finally mustered up the courage to lock the house and get in the cab with tears in my eyes.
But realization hit me.
I was going to start somewhere new. Totally new. Oh that new girl in schools. I gotta be brave and suck it up and face it.

Amber you gotta suck it up girl.
You have dad. You have math.
You have you.
Amber Mathews.



First chapter!!
Its bad I know. But I'll improve.

Thanks again 💫

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