7 // yin and yang//

55 7 8

~Turn your scars into stars.~

   "Seriously Anderson

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"Seriously Anderson. Trigonometry is my jam. Don't even try me on it."

The less annoying one of the Anderson brothers took up another one of his Math challenges with me. Like seriously! He needs to know I'm Amber Mathews. I have MATH in my name.

Now that's an Amazing thought.

"Earth to Amber! Hello." Bryce and his brown eyes bore into mine. "You say Trig is your jam? Bring it on." He says this with the most upbringing confidence.
I sighed. When was he going to learn? Arranging my sheets , my formula usage brackets , pens which were neatly gelled and refilled and most importantly my game face. Whether it's a class test or national competitions. Game face is The Game Face.

One hour later. I was winning. I warned him before. He didn't listen. But I'm never the one to undermine anyone. Only on rare occasions.
Okay every time.

Time flew by. And I was getting bored. I took out my phone and started scrolling through Instagram. I couldn't believe the way the follower count on my personal account had shot up. Going through the stories , I sipped on my ice cold water while clicking on Newt Grayson's story. What the hell! I spat the cold water onto my papers.
What the literal hell.

The entire drama with Ashlyn. It was on video. It was on his story. It was on his frigging highlights too. And do not undermine Newt and his 19.8K followers. Manh, yes I caused the fight, doesn't mean I want it in video.
I put my hands to my head only to find Bryce waiting patiently for me to give him a considerable stare.

"Newt's story?", was all he asked.

"Oh my god. Yes! Why didn't you tell me ?" , I groaned. And why was Bryce acting so serious.

He inhaled a deep breath. And then Bryce Anderson burst into laughter. What the literal hell. Something's wrong with me or the world. I need to go visit the doctor.

"Amber Manh. That was so hilarious. Like seriously. You burned the bitch so badly. She totally deserved it after blowing Cedric behind my back!", he was still laughing.

The brakes hit my brain. My head began spinning. I couldn't take so much drama in a day. It was Drama with a capital D. But I had to ask Bryce and clarify the tornado in my head.

"What do you mean by 'behind my back'?", His face turned sorrowful and that's when it hit me , "Ashlyn and Bryce, you guys were - "

"Dating. Yes", he muttered with a sad face. His brows creased with worry.

"So she cheated on you with some guy called Cedric?, I question at him again.

"Not some guy. My best friend. Cedric Gervais", he replied. That didn't earn a reaction from me because my heart sunk. That had to be the baddest thing ever. I had 0.1 % respect for Ashlyn which was now down the trash. I was perplexed in replying to this, because I was never the person to say unnecessary sorry's.
I know how it feels to just hear a sorry from another person you barely know. I felt it when mom died.
Not now. Not now.

"Bryce I found this amazing Café near by. Wanna go?" That's the best I could do. Chirping my high pitched voice I asked him.

He was perplexed. That was pretty obvious because he just told me his girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend, and here I was, asking if he wanted to go to a Café with me.

But then he too put on a smile and nodded his head. And at that moment I began to smile at his smile.


"Like seriously! What's wrong with you. I know I'm not your life long bestie but you sure as hell don't wanna see Amber Mathews 8 feet under the ground in a coffin!". I was yelling my head off. People were giving me nefarious stares but who cares. Newt had the temerity to call me anyway.

Yes. He called me. Not to apologize. But to tell me he couldn't video the last part of it.

"Bullshit apology. Take the video down Newt. Yes, I hate the godamn bitch. Doesn't mean it has to go on video. You have 20K followers for all it means!" I scream into the phone.

"Stop stalking me Amber. You're supposed to be good with numbers. It's 19.8K" Newt replies with a giggle in his dark voice.

"If you were in front of me right now. Your cheek would be so red, not girl will be in 10mile radius of you. Delete the video. Bye! Have an amazing day." I end the call with sarcasm in my angry voice.

And Bryce, who was stuffing on Chicken Nuggets, clearly seemed to enjoy this. I growled at him.
Wait. I paid for those Nuggets. I snatch it from his side of the table and keep it to mine. He better not take another piece of this.

Never mess with a girl who is angry and hungry. Never.

"Hey! I was eating them!", he shrieked.

"Stop being so pessimistic. Go buy it yourself." I reply.

"Amber what's your favourite colour", he asks, pulling the question from nowhere.

I wanted to ask why, but then the incident with Marshal flashed in front of my eyes. I totally forgot about it. I didn't even have time to think about it and question why he was acting like that. So I decided not to ask why.

"I would say Amber because you know it's the obvious. But my favourite would be a couple Color. Black and White." I retaliate.

"Why Black and white?"

"Because everything has a good and bad. Yin and Yang. Dark and light. Black and white. The most beautiful part is realising that both of them compliment each other." I reply smoothly. "What's with the questions", I chuckle.

"I don't know. Felt like asking. You wanna know what is my favourite colour?", I nod and he continues " It's white. I never really liked black. I always felt it took away the charm of white by staying with it. After hearing you now, I have a strong feeling to change my opinion", he laughs along with the last sentence.

I just smile back . As he looks away I take a moment to admire his features.
His strongly set jaw which compliments his muscular body frame. The devious look in his eyes which relaxes when he talk ms with me. The smile he has on his face is handsome in all ways. He's a package, let me tell you. But his brother , the other Anderson , is a whole new league.

Suddenly our phones beep in unison. We exchange confused glances as we pick up our phones.

It was a notification from 'Wattdale High.'

"All senior secondary students are requested to be at the school premises within half an hour. Compulsory attendance. Important Announcement is to be made.


We give each other the most curious stares and make way to the school wondering what would've happened.

A/N ✓


Heyy Amazing Readers.

So what would've happened !!! I'll give you a teaser for the upcoming chapters!

Theatre with the Anderson boys or boy.

Yesss. Keep reading.

Thanks for reading

Happy Reading // :)❤️

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