2 // hermione and comebacks//

74 13 2

~ Live more. Worry less. ~

"Finally!", I exclaimed as I found my classroom

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"Finally!", I exclaimed as I found my classroom. I was 15 minutes late and I didn't know how the teacher was going to take it. I'm so screwed yaay. Who has such a bad first day? Breathe in. Breathe out. The teacher's not going to eat you.
I walked in with anxiousness seering through me. I was so scared.
Mr. Ronald's class they said in the office. As I pushed the door forward and went in ,I could feel some eyes on me. I went straight to Mr.Ronald's table.

"Um-m, Good Morning. I'm Amber Mathews. New joinee. Uh- Here is my form".

"They told me you would come. But not so late". Not waiting for the explanation I was struggling to give he continued, "Let me just mark your name".

As he looked into his register, I glanced towards the board. He was doing Linear Inequalities and Equations.

Easy-Peasy lemon squeezy.

"Here you go. Take a seat and join the class".

As I took the sheet and turned I realised no one was even looking towards what he was teaching. Everyone on their phones and there was even a couple making out in the back. Eww.

I couldn't find a seat except the last. Grudgingly I walked there and took out my books from my wildcraft.

As I just settled Mr.Ronald asked "So who here and can prove the inequality in the linear equation?"

My hand immediately shot up.
Hermione Granger style.

He probably didn't expect anyone to even respond to him. The look on his face clearly proved it.

"New student. Amber come on. Bryce it's always you, give up sometimes" Mr. Ronald chuckled.

"Nah, there's no giving up in math", a husky and dark voice replied. It was so similar as Marshal's.
I immediately spun to look who was it and only then I realized there was another guy who raised his hand.
There was no denying that he was handsome. His sleek black hair, strong jaw and deep brown eyes and a perfect and muscular figure which totally screamed bad boy made up no justification for him raising his hand.

Realising I was cotally tonfused and didn't know what to do I walked towards the board and picked up the marker. The solving part was so easy and I had a speciality when it came to mathematics.
I was amazingly amazing in the art of presenting. I was so step-oriented and an underliner and box up the solution person.

When I finished it in a minute or so, Mr.Ronald who was staring with his eyes bulging out (I repeat 'eyes') said "Ms. Amber I would definitely want to have a word with you after class".

I nodded and went back to my seat.

I looked to my left and saw Bryce flash a cocky but sweet smile at me. Without realising and thinking I smiled and waved back at him.

Stupid Amber, stop being desperate to talk and become friends and blah blah.

Since I was sitting in the last the guys who were sure the 'athletes' of the school started throwing balls of paper which landed straight at me head and I went "Oww, stop doing that".

"Nerd". One of them snickered.
The guys 5 of them started laughing like crazy.

Even though I was the nerd labelled girl in my old school it still irked me. "Do you always run your mouth in unwanted places", I gave a comeback.

The moment I said this , I regretted. I had to handle this Marshal trouble as well. And what if these guys took it seriously.

But then they all went "Ohhhh damn girl.Fiery much".
The guys I could see were the populars . They had the body figure and smirky smile and cocky attitude. But nothing matching up to Marshal. Not in looks I meant. Eww why is he in my head!


I smiled and turned front. Once the bell rang I could see students hurrying towards the exit.
A guy behind me held my shoulder, "You should sit with us during Lunch girl. Learn some good comebacks".

I smiled and stammered "Ha that one was awesome and you know it. Umm. Sure. What's your name?"

"I'll tell during lunch. Find us It's easy." He winks and walks away.

And the guys left. They didn't have books neither pens or nothing.
If that was me gosh I would die.

I walked towards Mr.Ronald and he exclaimed "Ms.Amber that was so fast. That sum was complex inequalities, how'd you do it so fast?"

"I actually am a Mathlete. I was supposed to be doing advanced mathematics this year but then TNM- The national Mathlete is coming up in a few months. I want to work towards that so I took this class"

"That's brilliant. But are you an individual candidate?"

"Yes sir. Since I had to move I have to register individualy and not pair up."
I was actually worried. I worked so well with Tristan before. Both of us were equally broken hearted because we were such an amazing Math-Pair.

"You don't have to do that. You register under Wattdale itself" He was so assuring.

"But sir, partner problem.." I began.

"No. You'll have a perfect Math team with Bryce Anderson. He was the only Mathlete in Wattdale and now that you're here mathematics in Wattdale is going to soar".

"But I would want to meet and talk to Bryce about this". I had to. It was a big tournament and if we were going to work as teams I needed to test him.
I have too much attitude I know.

"Both of you have spare now, he's in the library go meet him" He began rushing.

Ugh. I didn't want to start so soon. I was my first day. But then I had to.

So I walked towards the library to Bryce.

Bryce Anderson.

We know the main characters yaay.
Amber. Marshal. Bryce.



Thank y'all so much for reading.
I'll keep improving. Happy reading.💫

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