22 //abs and phones//

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 We reached the beach. Boy it was so so so beautiful. As I got down the sun directly shone itself off the surface of the waves - it was turquoise , ombre and golden.

Beautiful. No other word.

Oh and that car seating problem. After all my begging I did with Marshal he told me.

It was silly and pissed off one person , but CRISIS AVERTED

You'll know it when you read it.

The moment I set my eyes on the water my breath was taken away. Bryce came up to me and whispered in my ear , "Magnificent isn't it?"

I don't take my eyes off the water when I say , "It is."

Before Bryce could say anything Park yells , "Yo Amber come on here." He indicates to a surfboard shop.

Holymotherofcheese. SURFING?

I quickly run up to Park and I see Marshal standing there. His hair flows in the wind and the golden hits his face making it shine. "You surf?" I ask both of them incredulously.

"Wait is that a question?" Park laughs.

I rolled my eyes , "The place where I used to live had a beach but you couldn't surf."

"You wanna learn?" Marshal asks me.

I open my mouth in awe and smile. "Of course I would!" I say giggling.

Marshal shakes his head and laughs , "Grab a board."

I pick a plain black one and pay for it even when Marshal offered to. Suddenly he comes close to me , "You need to take the shirt and jeans off," he says in a flirty tone.

"Hey man that's my boyfriend over there." I say pointing to Bryce who was talking to Sam. I hope Marshal won't take it seriously.

"Eww." He makes a ugly mouth face , " Let's get going."

We reach to the surface of the waves. What is with water that it is so beautiful? And terrifying at the same time. It's the ultimate creation.Magnificent and extreme.

Okay water gets me yapping.

I had worn a light blue shirt with pink flowers and dark jeans. Even though I owned Bikinis and wasn't exactly a body-cover-it-all , I was still insecure at times. Because no matter how many great memories I had in my old school I had quite a few bad ones.

One of them was body-shaming. Not severe - but it was there.

That why in junior year me and my friends started this campaign in school - #saynotobodyshaming and it got a pretty good reach around the region. And when we talk about body shaming it is natural to assume that it is only guys but no there are so many girls who insult other girls based on their weight and body.

So yeah , #saynotobodyshaming.

And back to the present, I see everyone waiting for me to go into the sea with them. I turn and take off my outer clothes and grab my surfboard and run towards them. Thea and Austin are off to one side having some intimate moments in the water.

That reminds me of Bryce , I haven't spoken to him since my house. I was about to walk over to him when Park pulled me aside, "The water creates good waves for surfing over there" he points to a distant place.

I forget about everything else and my heart gets excited at the prospect of surfing and I run with Park. I find Marshal already there and oh literal lord - his abs.

I hope my salivary glands stop working because I'm pretty sure I'm drooling. Marshal sees me and smirks cockily. I push my thoughts about how Marshal's abs could be a tasty cheeseburger and go over to him.

"Okay so listen up Amber. This place is not a high surfing area. Minimal waves and mild surfing. So we can use a surf leash so that you won't fall but" he pauses.

"But what?"

"If you fall I'll be your knight in the water and save you" he says cockily and winks.

I roll my eyes and he's back to teaching. "So Amber the first thing I want you to do is sit on the board in a cross legged position."

"Sit - I thought surfing was supposed to be done standing?"

"Smart ass , you do this first." Marshal orders playfully.

20 minutes later I still couldn't balance myself sitting on the surfboard. I kept falling to one side or the other but it was fun. For Marshal at least , who kept on laughing. But finally I did it and I also managed to stand on the surfboard.

Time passed quickly into lunch and this is what I was dreading. We all had to find a spot to sit together and eat. Newt and Niall had already found a perfect spot where it was shady and cool and all of us trudged there.

I finally got a chance to be with Bryce for some time and when I saw him HOLY JESUS his abs.


All of us toweled briefly and sat down on the sand. It almost felt like a small paradise , my friends , a beautiful beach , actual palm trees and a beautiful boyfriend. and marshal

Gosh why did I think that?

Anyway good thing I got an empty spot right next to Bryce and he hugged me when I sat there.

We soon started eating with Reece and Ranen telling us some old story and Bryce suddenly whispers in my ear.

"Wanna go somewhere Private?" his lips brush my ears.

"Maybe not. Everyone's gonna think something."I say while I smile

"Who cares? It's supposed to be our day anyway."

"Hard to say no to you." I sigh

"What can I say? I'm hard to resist" he pulls me by the hand and we stand up.

Marshal is the first person to notice and he asks, "Where are you going Amber?"

"Just some time with Bryce", I say hastily.

He shakes his head in disapproval but come on , it's my wish. So I pull Bryce away from the gang. When we're walking I notice Bryce had his phone with him. I love my phones but I love to live in the moment. "Bryce leave your phone and come." I say

"Why?" he asks me too quickly.

"Because we're always gonna be interrupted with a ping or a snap or a notification, " I say kindly.

"Umm I don't leave my phone around anywhere. It's too protected and I don't like leaving it anywhere ." he contradicts and almost yells.

"For me please?" I say. I notice a look of disapproval and his face is almost as he is calculating something but finally he relents.

"Okay" he says angrily and leaves me to give his phone to his friends .

I wonder what was that all about because I clearly remember him one day at lunch where he left his phone on the table and when I told him to be careful he told me he has a constant habit of misplacing his phone.

I dismiss my thoughts when I see him walking back to me.

Oh that phone and the damage it would do to me later. I wouldn't know.



Wait what is Bryce thinking? Oh KEEP READING TO FIND OUT

Heyy lovelies how's the COVID 19 pandemic going for you all. Stay home and stay safe


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