14 // hospitals and fights//

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Happiness is an inside job

The hospital is cold and I shiver. Out of the corner of my eye , I see my dad approaching me with 2 cups of coffee. I smile at him weakly as he sits next to him. He just offers me the coffee and without any indication from me , he removes his jacket and puts it on my shoulders. I might cry given the situation. Let me tell you no affection ever will beat the one your parents have on you. I just rest my head on his shoulders and I close my eyes.

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

I made eye contact with Bryce and stupid silly me flashes a bright-sunshined smile at him. I forgot Marshal was sitting right in front of me. I forgot the guys hate Bryce. I forgot Thea's warning. I forgot everything and I smiled at him . STUPID AMBER!

Marshal sees me smiling at somebody and he turns to look behind. The moment he looked around, I knew there was going to be trouble. I focused all my mental energy on Bryce to make sure he goes the other direction and not walk towards. I could already sense the guys becoming serious but hey SURPRISE SURPRISE the great Bryce Anderson decides to walk towards us.

"Holy fuck Bryce's got some balls approaching us", Park snickers.

I could see Marshal turn red. "Because damsel here couldn't stop flashing her teeth at him."

"Hey not my fault. He's my friend too!" I protest hotly.

Bryce reaches our table and he towers over all of us. I push away all the awkwardness and smile uncomfortably. 'So-- hey Bryce what brings you here?" I can hear the guys groaning.

"What brings you all here?" He questions me again.

" Oh Marshal took me here 2 days ago , and I practically fell in love with the pizza." WHY AM I THIS FOOLISH!

Bryce has a confused look on his face. He smirks and raises an eyebrow and he grins at Marshal. "Oh is it? Did Marshal here bring you here?" Bryce is literally inviting trouble.

"Umm yeah he did" I murmur , "Hey Bryce I think your friends are waiting for you over there. I'll text you later." I put on a smile.

But no. The boy didn't leave. Instead he got bolder and put his hands on the table. "So Amber when are we continuing with preparation for the tournament?"

Before I could talk Park loses it ," Hey Bryce , your bunch of sissies are waiting there. Why don't you go join them?"

I glare at Park , 'Hey Bryce , this skit thing kept me busy , we'll resume once I'm done with this stuff. That sound good?" When these words leave my mouth , Marshal literally glares at me. Is he angry or sad or frustrated? Like I said before , the boy is too good in hiding his emotions.

"Yeah sure Amber. My brother sure would be exhausted with this Drama crap" Bryce looks at Marshal.

Marshal grits his teeth so hard. He is suppressing his emotions.He takes a deep breath and just utters , "Just go. And fucking stop with this facade." He sounds angry.

Reece pipes in , "We all know what good a person you are."

I am confused , "Bryce I'm sorry for all this. I'll talk to you later."

He smiles at me warmly , "It's okay Amber , you don't have to apologize for my brother and his friends. It's okay." He nods and before he could turn around to leave Marshal groans , "Fuck it."

Love and Math In BetweenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin