11 //peanutbutter and stanford//

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"Seriously Reece. Your name is a boon."

"How is my name a boon! It sounds so weird!" Reece exclaims.

"For starters being named after the peanut butter cup chocolate is the biggest boon ever. I would love to be named Kit kat or Oreo. Oreo Mathews" I giggle while the guys give me weird looks.

It was almost lunch and I still wasn't tired. All day, Marshal and his so-called 'brothers' , Reece , Ranen and Park sat with us and we made props. Well, our scene didn't require much, just some doors which had some springs attached to it , so it could open and close like lift doors.

But what amused me was the guys. They were so jovial and humorous Because from what I know, the 'popular' kids never mingled. But here, these 3 made me laugh so much that my stomach hurt and eyes watered.

Reece and Ranen were twin brothers. It was only a slight jaw difference between the two , more like Cole and Dylan sprouse. They had beautiful dark-greenish eyes and long lashes which complimented their looks. But no green could ever match up to Marshal's green.

Remind me to click a picture of them.

And Park .Park seemed extremely close with Marshal. He was almost a foot taller than me considering I was tall myself. His wavy golden brown hair looked so godly that whenever the wind blew they would flutter. Jesus had to bless me with such hair.

"If Reece could just shut up about his name , the prop making would get over way faster", Ranen grunted.

"Such a douche , he is , brother of mine." Reece Rolled his eyes.

"Marshal, remind me again why we're friends with these aliens from Mars", Park speaks to Marshal.

Marshal just shakes his head and laughs and so do I.

"So Amber, how did you make these calculations for the spring attachment to these doors", Park asks me. He was really surprised when I made the exact calculations for the doors to open and close with the help of some springs and screws. "It's actuall -" I was cut short by Marshal.

"It's no biggie. She envisioned the doors are two right angled triangles and so we put a screw in between both of them. Then we connected the spring to each end of the doors. And so when we pull them , the board wont come out and would also spread due to the springs. Simple rig calculations made sure the length of the spring was exact" Marshal says with perfection.

I sit there with my mouth wide open! Oh my god. Wow. How did he know this? I look around me if the others had the same reaction as me but they seemed totally normal.

Only Ranen realized I was shocked and laughed. "Amber you seriously thought only Bryce the Bitch was the smart one? Our boy is smart too" He smiles.

'She would have thought , since I have the looks of a Greek God, I would be the school's bad boy and hence would fail in my studies" Marshal smirks at me.

Realizing the guys are waiting for an answer, I shake my head "Uh- no. I Mean yes. Ugh wait." I take a deep breath." Unfortunately you don't have the looks of a Greek god". liar.

"Sorry for breaking your heart darling." I say dramatically and Park laughs.

"But I had an idea that you would be Wattdale's bad boy. And I'll accept that I didn't expect you to know about the spring concept. I'm sorry", I apologize profusely.

"Don't worry. I tend to be that way." He says with a shrug of his shoulders.

'But I mean, are you into Math like your brother?" I ask hesitantly.

Love and Math In BetweenWhere stories live. Discover now