15 //awkward and winners//

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           I reach school early. It's confusing. Everyone's hustling and bustling around. Today's the big day. YAAY! It's going to be exciting.

Those are supposed to be my words. But after last night , darlin I don't think so.

I wait near the room where all our props are kept. If this day could just get over real quick like my good luck. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Marshal approaching me. Behind him Park, Reece and Ranen are approaching. Great, bring some more people to increase the awkwardness.

He ruffles his hair as he walks. Jesus , we get it you're hot.

"Umm so Amber.." He begins.

"Just don't , okay. Let's take our things and make way to the auditorium and be done with it"

He winces. "Will you atleast listen to me?"

"Not right now okay. Just." I take a deep breath.

"HEYYY Ambeeerrrr" Reece drags cheerfully.

I want to put on a lion face but come on - I break into a smile. "Hi" I say while faking my anger.

"See , no one can resist me." He says , joking.

"It's just because you were named after the peanut butter cup", I retort back and I laugh.

Marshal gets annoyed , 'Enough of all the jokes and to get to work." He says and goes into the room. Looking at him get annoyed , Park laughs and so do the brothers.

Park puts his hand on my shoulders, " Amber , really you should listen to what he has to say."

"I will Park. Just let some time pass." I assure him.

So here we are backstage. Our act is just 2 more ahead. Betty gave a huge huge speech in the time where I could have slept , showered and made a grand feast for an army of aliens.


But after that it was fun. I didn't know most of the students performing , but it was fun. Some were utter flops. Some were beautiful. I mean , students of senior year shouldn't be so intense in acting.Thea and Austin did a great job. They were marvelous. And the Chemistry between them was so good. I'm betting they are going to win considering Betty gestured to Austin to hug her.

But Austin later would define it as , "She couldn't help my hotness." And I would eye roll.

There were so many acts , students forgot to cancel their names and the host kept reading them and no one turned up. Sad really. Bryce and Donna's act came before ours. And considering the looks Donna was giving me uhh she wasn't too happy to cancel out on all the lip gloss she spent her money on. HEY DON'T BLAME ME.

Marshal and I just kept scowling at each other at the Scowl contest. HA I WOULD WIN THAT TOO. Finally ,what seemed like an eternity our names were finally called.

A loud voice is heard through the speakers , " Next up we have Matthews,Amber and Anderson, Marshal to perform a scene from 500 days of Summer."

Wait , the names. I have the starting letter of his surname and he has mine. OH GOSH MY MIND SUCKS.

We make our way onto the stage. The doors are already in place and the scene begins.

Marshal is in the elevator with a headphone which plays , 'There is a light which never goes out by the Smiths.

When the lift stops , he is joined by a running Amber- his colleague. She's dressed in a white sleeveless blouse and grey high waisted pants.

There is silence in the elevator, only the sound of the music wafting from his headphones

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