5 //cycles and videocalls//

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~The stars would dream about the moon~

If you're all thinking Marshal went to get his bike keys

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If you're all thinking Marshal went to get his bike keys.

Well, he didn't.

When Marshal returns from inside he says "Bring your cycle to the shed room."

"Shed room?"

"I have my tools and air machine kept in there. Do you want your cycle repaired or not Amber?"

"Oh my god Marshal. Have patience." He's such an annoyance. I painfully took my cycle kept it in the shed.

Marshal got his tool box and laid it down. He stood up and removed his shirt.

"Eww Marshal what the hell are you doing?" The door is locked in the shed room and he's removing his shirt oh my god.

"Darlin it's not even been a whole day since you met me. So calm your ti-

"You finish that sentence, I'll apply grease on your hair." I replied with my eyes staring.

"Amber wants my hair, nice".

"Ugh. Such a rotten piece of cheese you are."

He just smiled at me, shook his head and got to work. His muscles flexed his arms and his face looked so focused while he was just pumping air. Once he was done he stood up and handed my cycle to me.

"Here you go. Don't annoy me again."

"Seriously? Marshal, you punctured my cycle. Remember?" I point to his head.

"Okay. Now go." He pointed his hand to the door.

As I took my cycle and made way to the door he says "Your welcome Amber."

"Geez. After puncturing my cycle, you don't need a thank you ,dearest Marshal", I scowled.

My cycle felt better than before. I was trying stunts on the road when a man came up to me and said I wasn't supposed to.

I'm pretty sure he said that just coz I was a girl.

Once I cycled back home I discovered dad cooking chicken waffles. Yep. Dad was the best cook I ever knew. I'm such an addict to dad's cooking he would sometimes joke saying "Your future guy should know cooking or he's going to get thrashed up!"

I mean who can blame me?

Who doesn't love good food? And especially Chicken with waffles?

Many years ago, some unknown genius decided to combine all the greatest parts of a fried chicken dinner with all the greatest parts of a waffle stack to create this ultimate dish.
Also my grandpa owned a restaurant so we knew all the secrets of a restaurant. And dad and me were obsessed with food. We sometimes woke up at 2:00 in the night and made Chinese food.

"Yum yum. Smells too good Mr. Stark." I drooled. I got dad hooked to Marvel and one thing led to another. All I can say my 46 year old dad has an Avengers poster in his room.

No comment on that.

"Amber doesn't get to eat anything if she doesn't tell where she had been all day." He frowned.

I totally forgot to tell him. I settled on the kitchen counter and ranted about my entire day and about every one. Yes. Even including Marshal. We were the bestest of friends. After mom left, we didn't take off in different directions, instead we confided in each other. Dad and daughter.

"Interesting day. Good thing that boy fixed up your cycle.

Hello he punctured it in the first place!!!!!

"I really need you to win The national Mathlete but that doesn't mean you had to start today!! Go check if your room's alright and then we'll eat." He patted me on the cheek as I ran up to my room.

My room was pretty spacious. I was yet to put up posters and pictures but then dad had done most of the arranging. I had my bed, my study table and most of all my book shelf. My clothes were already in the wardrobe. I first decided to go ahead and arrange my books.

I have 643 novels and story books. All of which I need to fit in the bookshelf. I first took out the entire Harry potter series are put them on the top.

Then came the Shadow hunter series which I had to push in the back. Oh Clara I'm sorry.

My Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, Magnus Chase, Trials of Apollo all got front rows.

Then came The Hunger Games and Divergent. Yaay.

I had reserved a center place for 3 special books of a series. The maze runner!!! I've loved them ever since I picked it up from the library shelf.

Once I was done with most of the prominent series I went to arrange the old novels. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Wuthering heights and so much more.

After what seemed like and eternity of arranging books according to emotional order (The fault in our stars came first don't worry) I changed into blue shorts and a T-shirt.

Once I had dinner with my dad, I went back to my room and did some homework. Then I started studying. I was never a morning person. I could never do anything waking up early in the morning. Night life yaay.

As I was scrolling through my Instagram I found requests from Newt and the gang. The moment I clicked on accept and sent a follow request back, messages bombarded my inbox. Particularly Austin who had amazing pictures of him on the race track.


'Amber! Up so late. Having some fun in the sheets girl!!'
Gosh this guy.


'Nope. No fun without you.'
I texted back. Its not even been a day since I knew the guys and here I was, flirting like I knew them for centuries together.


I'm coming oer. Psst: Dont tell Thea


I knew he was joking.

Me and Austin texted for a while. Then I decided to text Thea. Her profile was so bad ass. And I got the biggest shock after seeing she was a track runner too. Probably better than Austin. They even competed on the field. I texted her and put my phone down.
It was getting pretty late and after I worked out some sums I decided to hit the bed. As I made myself comfortable to sleep I saw a notification pop up.

1 follow request

1 message in requests:

Hey Darlin. I should probably video call.

Marshal Anderson sent that.


: So what do you think bout Marshal, Bryce and Amber.

This might be a filler but I wanted to show Amber and her dad relationship xD.

Ahahah marshhshllllll

Thank you so much for reading!!!

Happy reading 💫

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