8 // surnames and skits//

44 6 8

Beauty is the illumination of the soul.

A/N : Its gonna be so exciting to write the next few chapters eeeee!!!

Curiosity. Anticipation. Excitement. Impatience. These were the emotions that filled the hall of Wattdale High. Every student was constantly wondering why they all had been summoned to the school. The buzzing in the hall was at its peak.

Bryce and Me reached school a little late. The gang along with Thea had already reached before I did. When they saw me enter the hall with Bryce, I bet you all everyone's jaw was on the ground. I quickly rushed up to Thea and questioned her "Dude. Why are you guys staring at me like that? It's weird."

"Oh yeah. We're supposed to be totally calm to the fact that you and Bryce just walked in together, chatting", she proclaims and others agree with her.

"Like why! I went to his house, we're partners on the math league and we went to a cafe today! You guys obviously knew all this!", I exclaim.

"Okay. Amber. That's it, I don't know you anymore", Dalip says nodding his head.

"Like Amber are you sure that's the Bryce Anderson? Because the Bryce we all know isn't the type to go to a cafe or some shit like that", Niall shows complete concern on his face.

"Guys what's the matter? He's like one of the sweetest guys I've ever met", I defend Bryce.

Newt's expression changes ,"Excuse me!! What ar - ". He is cut short by the shrill voice heard through the speakers, Principal Lodge.

"Students, may I request your attention please. I hope all of you are present here. I'm sorry for demanding you to come here after school hours but I had to do so."

The interest of the student body is piqued now. The hall has pin drop silence and we've begun to worry if something bad has happened. Just when that thought crosses my mind Lodge begins again, " I would like to share a happy news with you all. The legendary actress Betty Magdalene will be visiting our school tomorrow. She was my classmate and a very close friend of mine." The moment she finishes the hall erupts into cheers and claps. I began doubting it to be a prank. I mean, what's Betty Magdalene doing in a high school like this!

"I've been trying to get in touch with her for quite a few years. I always wanted her to come and share some words with students. Finally she responded to my message but she has one unusual request. And that's why, dear children, I've asked you to gather here now."

Okay. What is going on! It's just been a week and a half since I moved here and there's so much happening. No student could contain his/her curiosity.

"She wants to see an act. A pair act. She's a bit gender oriented and wants it to be boy and girl. It should be really short. About 2-3 minutes short. You have to stick to the romance genre as she's into them, any dialogue and even enact movie scenes. Please refrain from extreme vulgar scenes."

She gave us time to digest this. This is absurd. Why would someone place a request like that! Enact? Theater? We're supposed to study for getting into universities and colleges not enact stuff for Betty Magdalene. This is going to drain out 2 months of time.

"Also, the only reason why this was urgent is because she's coming on Friday and today is Tuesday."

The entire hall erupts to this and so did I. Like bomb after bomb is what she's throwing at us. First is the emergency calling. Second is the fact that Betty is coming. Third is we should put up some drama stuff and now it's that she's coming 2 days after. What the hell is wrong with everyone! I can't. I totally can't.

Ms. Lodge was trying to convince everyone. The students were franctic. This is absurd. I knew it. Everyone knew it.

"I'm really sorry children. I can't do anything about it. I have to proceed with the other matters at hand. The pairings unfortunately will not be chosen as per your wishes."

Woah! This lady totally has a death wish.

"We will be doing a pick and choose. I will pass around chits and you will pick the name of your partner. I'm going to ask the girls to pick the chits which will be passed now."

I pinched myself. Like to check if this was reality or not. No student was calm. Every one was registering shock after shock and who knows what's going to come next. Thea, who was seated 2 seats before was not happy. Because when you're in a relationship with someone and if you get another pair to perform with, that'll be a heavy blow on your relationship.

My thoughts were confirmed when she looked at me and mouthed " I need to get Austin." The students were not calm. This is absurd. And this total bullshit. My mind was shuffling. The chits passed from girl to girl in the entire line of girls. It reached Thea. She puts her hand in and almost immediately picks up a chit and opens it, my eyelids didn't even bat a lid.
Oof !She got Austin! Her face turned so happy and she looked at me with a satisfactory smile and exclaimed, "You don't know how amazing this is!", and she ran to tell Austin.

I was so happy looking at her run to Austin, I realized the chit bowl was in front of me. Oh shit. I had to pick too. I put my hand in the bowl and found the deepest chit and took it out.

I was not okay. I didn't know most of the people in the school. I knew the guys and some others. I took a deep breath and opened the plain small white piece of paper.


Phew!! Bryce! I could work with him . Too well, in fact. I was happy. We shared the same interests and we could put up a good show. I looked around for Bryce and located him on the other side of the hall.

I walked towards him and all around me were students with mixed emotions. Some with happy, some excited, some utterly depressed. Observing and weaving my way through the crowd I spot Bryce and open my mouth to tell when a girl with Red hair walks towards him and tells him that she is paired with him.

"No. I'm paired with Bryce!" I interrupt their conversation.

"Amber really? But then, Donna who's name did you get?", Bryce questions her.

"Duh. I got your name. See , have a look at the chit." She hands him the chit and lean in to look at it. There it was. Anderson (Bryce).

So wait.
I cannot be paired with him.

Not Marshal. Not Marshal Anderson.

I look around to see where he is. There I see him, standing alone without his partner, while all of us are paired.

I realize, Marshal Anderson and Me are partners.

This is not going to end well.

A/N ✓


Okay things are finally getting interesting lolol.

Notice that I made up Betty Magdalene. Got the Betty idea from
Riverdale! How many of you watch riverdale. I JUST NEED COLE SPROUSE AcTIONON

Teaser : The Anderson brothers compete. Y'all know over what.

Also how many do you watch suits? If you did, you'll notice something!

Happy Reading :)
Thanks for reading.

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