4 // names and brothers//

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~ Create Happiness ~

I blinked a few thousand times

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I blinked a few thousand times. I even considered slapping myself to check reality.

What the hell was Marshal doing here? That too in all his glory.
The almost perfect body. Emerald eyes which scowled at my sight. The muscu-

Amber wait. You hate Marshal.

"Done checking me out?" he asked.

"Gosh Marshal. Stop being so cliche and asking me the question guys have been asking girls for centuries together? What are you even doing here? Where is Bryce?" I questioned with so much authority.

He seemed angry now. He actually did. "Listen you egoistical bitch, why don't you dim down that attitude a notch down?"

"Excuse me? Egoistical bitch. Well, you're such an egoistical twat. Keep your private part in your body not in your personality". I yelled.

"Private Part?" He lifted up an eyebrow.

"Don't you know your parts of the body? Damn Marshal. Didn't know you were this bad". I smirked and his face turned real scary. His muscles scowled and turned serious.

"Go away. And don't be seen in my sight." Marshal was busy daring me when Bryce appeared.

"Hey Amber. Welcome home. Oh I see you've met Marshal my brother." He chirps with a smile.

My heart, my body and my life flipped. Double flipped.

Wait what!!!! Brother?
I realized Bryce was giving me a weird look because my jaw was on the ground.

"Wait what's your name?"

'Ugh. After all this? My name's Amber Mathews.

His eyes turned awry and they hardened. Then we a angry but sad look he glared at Bryce.

"I'm not your brother. So shut it and take your bitch somewhere else." Marshal scowled.

Bryce turned red and immediately held Marshal by the collar. I intervened and it took me almost all my power to take Bryce away from Marshal.

Once I did separate them, I didn't turn to look at the cold green eyes. Bryce led me to the kitchen I scrounged for water and gave a glass to Bryce.

Once he gulped it down, "He's always been like this. Excuse him Amber".

"It's fine. Are you okay? Do you want more water?, I questioned.

"I should be offering you something in my house and not the other way round".

"Chivalrous much?", I laughed.

"So let's get started?" He rubbed his palms together. "I'll get my books. Wait here" and he ran up the stairs.

It was a nice house. Not excessively decorated. But had this authentic look to it. And of course seemed like a pigsty because 2 teenage boys and cleaning doesn't go hand in hand . There were no pictures of Bryce and Marshal together but then there were a lot of childhood single pictures. I couldn't see any family pictures either. Maybe their parents were split. I didn't want to come to any conclusions.

As I pondered in my thoughts, Bryce came down and smiled at me. I could melt at that smile.
Amber, it's not even been a whole day since you came here omg.

"Amber I'm pretty fast at math. If you want me to go slow I gladly will". Bryce smirked. Cocky much.

"Excuse me! Bryce Anderson you've clearly underestimated Amber Mathews." I raised an eyebrow.

"Let's begin with Volumes shall we?" he smiled.

"Yes we shall." I proclaimed.

After half an hour none of us emerged as the winner. Because both of us couldn't seem to race each other. We kept on solving sets of problems, and both of us clearly couldn't beat the other. In the end he wondered out the fact that none of us could be the winner.

"That's not fair!" I protested.

"Amber. Let's call it a day from Math shall we? The competition is 3 months away".

"Actually yes. I gotta get home. Its getting pretty dark already". I got up to leave. After I gathered all my papers and books, I told good bye to Bryce and made way to pick up my cycle which was parked near his gate.

Realization moment 101.

My cycle was punctured.


My cycle was perfect when I parked it here. How the hell did it get punctured!
Out of the blue I heard someone laughing. I immediately turned to look who it was.

There he stood. The devil incarcerated. Marshal Anderson.

I stomped up to him and yelled, "Who the hell do you think you are? Why the hell did you puncture my wheel? Marshal!!! If I can't get home, I can't do homework, then I'll get kicked out of school and I'll have to life in a forest and I'll be eaten up by a bear!" Okay I was drama-ing.

He stared at me. After a few seconds to build up momentum, he burst out laughing. And damn that laugh.
Wait I hate him.

"Marshal I'm pretty serious. I can't walk home." My face fell.

"I need to hear the apology and a confirmation that you won't M.E.S.S with me again", he firmly replied.

"Tit for tat? Spelling out M.E.S.S?" Tension built up in my brows.

"Just apologize already Amber."

He said Amber in a different way. It rolled of his tongue in a way where he said every syllable carefully.

"Okay. I uh umm sor-ry." I let out in a small squeak.

"I can't hear it princess". He was clearly enjoying this. His grinning face indicated it all.

I was so agitated. But then a small part of me was glad at the fact he was taking this in a playful manner. I need people importantly friends to survive the next year.

"Are you deaf boy! Okay. I'm SORRY!", I yelled and he cracked a smile.

"I'll accept you're apology since you're going to be eaten by a bear anyway." He laughed and made way to go inside.

"Marshal! Where are you going? I need to know how can I get home?" It was getting so dark. Dad's gonna be upset.

"Walk. Simple as that", he said coolly.

"I can't . I have to tag my cycle along and I have a lot of books and baggage. Mr.Marshal please help me." I gave him my puppy eyed look.

He looked at me and his lips twitched into a smile. "I'll get my keys. Wait here."

A/N ✓

So what do you all think.
Marshal drops AMBER!!!!
What do you all think bout bryce and Amber?
It's going to be amazing to see what gonna happen Yaas!!

Thanks for reading every one. I'll improve❤️💫

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