The Jerk and I

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Short Summary:

Beatrice "Trish" Sanders isn't the most popular girl in school. In fact, she doesn't have many friends in school, but she does have Chris. All she wants is to get high school over with. Chris has always been there for Beatrice. He was the best best friend a girl could ever ask for. However, with Chris comes Kevin.

Kevin John Peterson. A name Beatrice has always hated since childhood. Beatrice and Kevin just can't stand one another. Since childhood, the two have always found a reason to have an argument.

Senior year. Ah yes, the best year of high school right? Maybe, maybe not. Fate begins to play a little game with the two. For some reason, the two always end up together. Getting partnered up in class, tutoring sessions, and class trips bring the two together.

Will feelings get developed? Will someone get in the way? What if everything was really just a game after all? Hearts are broken, tears are shed, sacrifices are made.  New friendships are built. 

Now you decide, is senior year really that great? Then again, it is the most memorable year of high school! 

[AN]: Hello. Like I said, it's kind of cliché, but you might like it so please check it out. How was your senior year like? 

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