chapter 2

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No one's POV

A black sleek BMW raced down the road like a tiny beetle and screeched to a halt in front of a tall glass building named Knights Fashion. A young handsome man clad in a grey Armani suit stepped out of the car. His face looked furious.

He handed the valet stationed at the entrance his car keys.

"Good afternoon, Mr Knight," the valet greeted him in a cheerful voice but he ignored him and continued storming angrily into the building.

The older man who was the valet snorted as he get into the expensive car.

"What a spoiled brat!," he cursed under his breath driving the car to the parking lot.

Mike Knight entered his inner office, slamming hard the door after him. His secretary let out a startled gasp as she looked up from her post.

The boss was in a foul mood!

She let out a careless shrug and continued filing her fake nails. Her boss's foul mood was no surprise for her. The guy was a jerk and outright bipolar.

Mike dropped heavily on his seat. Burying his face in his hands , he let out a string of curses.


He got up and began pacing the floor with his hands clenched into fists.

His company was in a mess and the media was in a frenzy. There was a mole among them who has been selling his company's designs to his worst enemy and business rival.

Logan Gateshead!

He gritted his teeth. It could have been better if the stupid mole had sold his designs to someone else other than that snake ,Logan.

Mike took up an empty coffee mug on his table and slammed it angrily against the wall. The mug made a rattling sound and laid on the oak tiles completely shattered.

He swore he was going to get that mole by all means necessary. Their latest handbag designs were now being developed by Shine it , his rival company before they could even launch them.

The old sneaky bastard had certainly outwitted him this time. How he must be sneering as he ripped the huge profits from the designs he spent sleepless nights on.

It was supposed to be Knights Fashion causing a frenzy in the fashion world right now and not Shine it.

He ran frustrated fingers through his midnight black hair, racking his brains, wondering who must have sold them out.

The designs were confidential and known by a small group of people. His top designers, secretary and his board of directors.

Striding back to his table , he picked up the telephone and dialled Felix's office number.

Felix Grey was his director and best friend. The best buddy he could ever had but very annoying. Felix picked up on the second ring.

"I want you in my office right this instant! ," he said breathlessly into the mouthpiece, still fuming with rage.

"Jeez! Is that an order?," Felix chuckled on the other end.

"Damn Grey! It's an emergency. Drag your sorry ass right here or you are fired."

In response , Felix roared with laughter.

"You sound pretty worked up. I was on my way to your office. I found out who the spy is," he said in a tone of achievement.

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