Chapter 21

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Kelly's POV

On Monday morning l went to Knights Fashion to start my new job. Mike told me to come to his office first to sign the contract. I was excited but also a bit nervous about starting my new position. Mike was behind his desk reviewing many files when l got to his office.

He was back to being the stern and intimidating businessman l knew him to be, clad in an expensively tailored dark blue Armani suit. I couldn't believe he was the same guy l walked along the beach barefooted, holding hands talking and laughing.

He finished typing something on his computer and then he rose to his full impressive height, buttoning his suit jacket.

"Let's go and meet your new team members," he announced excitedly.

My heart beat increased and my palms sweated in nervousness. Many things could go wrong. First: l was not even properly qualified for the position. Mike noticed my reaction and strode towards me and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Don't be nervous at all."

I looked up at him, naked fear simmering in my eyes.

"What if they think l am not talented or fit for the job," l confided my fears in him and he simply flashed me a smile.

"Kelly, l am the most difficult man to please l know of. I know talent when l see it and you have it. Otherwise l wouldn't have hired you for my designer."

I nodded my head believing his words.

"Good girl."

He was about to walk ahead when l held back his arm.

"Promise me there won't be any special treatment for me. I don't want people to think that l got this job because of your...."

"Because of my what?," he corked his eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes.

"You know what l mean."

"I never gave my employees any special treatment and...."

"You sent a car to bring me to work this morning," l reminded him.

He rubbed his neck.

"I was afraid you will bail out."

Our eyes locked in a staring contest. He gave a defeated sigh.

"Fine. There will be no special treatment."

"Promise?," l pressed on.

He gave a wistful sigh.

"Promise. You are the most stubborn woman l know."

"Been told that."

Mike cupped my cheek.

"Just go out there and be yourself."

He drew closer to me and brought down his dark head to capture my lips. We were not dating yet but l found myself closing my eyes, in anticipation of his kiss.

The door creaked open and Felix walked in. He drew to a stop when he saw us standing so close.

"Oh oh! My bad!," he apologised, avoiding our eyes.

"What did l tell you about not knocking on my door!," Mike yelled after him and Felix being Felix replied with a low laugh as he walked out.


Mike Knight left shortly afterwards leaving me in the lion's dean. The designers were obviously not pleased with my presence if their stern faces were any indication. I couldn't blame them. One day l was a personal assistant and the next day l was a fashion designer with no degree to justify my new position.

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