Chapter 3

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"How do l look?," Rose asks me, twirling around in front of the mirror in different poses.

"You look absolutely gorgeous."

She was wearing a long red dinner dress with thin shoulder straps and a vent which showed her one long smooth leg. The dress flowed down her body, hugging her curves.

A frown marred her forehead as she regarded her reflection.

"Should l take this? Isn't it too revealing? Do you think he will like it?"

She bombarded me with questions earning an eye roll from me.

Rose was a fashion fanatic. Going shopping with her meant spending half the day being dragged from one boutique to another.

She was going on a dinner date with Drew, her boyfriend and we were shopping for her dress.

"Why are you even asking when you know pretty well that you look good in almost everything. Even a sack," l said with a mischievous smile.

Rose gave me a thumps up and turned back to the mirror adoring her figure once more.

Next to having great looks, she had a loving and caring family. Even though l hated to admit it, l was sometimes envious of her.

My family was one of the leading families in New York. Rich, powerful and influential yet my life was so miserable.

"Glad you know your friend has got some killer style."

l snorted at her words. l was her second companion next to her mirror.

"I take back my words. You look terrible in that dress. You will scare him away."

"I think it's high time we find you a boyfriend," she turned to me with a smirk on her face.

"Oh please!," l whined.

We had been through that conversation a multiple times. Rose laughed and came to sit on the couch next to me. She hugged me tightly nearly suffocating me with her heavy perfume.

"Just what is troubling you again Kelly white?You know you can't fool me right."

"Is it that obvious?," l asked with a weary sigh,leaning into her.

"When l was trying on those dresses you were staring out the window with a distant look on your face. Is it your mum again?," she asked in a voice laced with concern.

I heaved out a heavy sigh and gave her a pleading look.

"Can we talk about it later?"

She gave me a small nod. She understood how sensitive the topic was for me. I had cried myself to sleep last night. I wasn't about to spoil my shopping spree.

"I just hope she gets over her drinking problem,"l said absentminded.

Rose stood up and held out her hand for me. I cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Time for Miss White transformation!," she said in a singsong voice.

I let out a helpless sigh.

That meant more hours being dragged from one shop to another.

My dream was to be a fashion designer yet my dressing was not nearly as outstanding as my friends'. She always fusses over my dressing accusing me of dressing like a nun.

I flashed her one of my "don't you dare " looks but she simply laughed and dragged me from my seat.

She was never the type to back down first. No wonder she always got into fights since kindergarten.

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