Chapter 17

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Kelly's POV

I searched his face for any sign that he was bluffing but his face was stone set. I threw back my head and laughed. This has to be the most hilarious and ridiculous thing l have ever heard.

"Are you drunk?," l asked him.

Mike took a step closer to me. He was now standing mere inches from me. My heart began to race at his closeness. He leaned closer to my face and whispered in my ear.

"Do you smell any alcohol on me?"

His minty breath fanned one side of my face. He stood up straight and his mouth curled into a smile. A shiver spread through my body.

His last treatment of me crossed my mind and the sensations l was feeling earlier extinguished. I stared at him defiantly.

"Is that how you ask a girl out? I am sorry but l don't feel any sincerity in your words," l said in sarcasm.

"What's your reply?"

"I am sorry but l don't date a heartless and narcissist jerks like you."

A smile broke out on my face when l saw fury cross his eyes. He quickly masked it and gave me a brief, cool smile.

"I am not that patient, Miss White. If you still want me, you have a week to reach out."

He turned on his heel and strode away. I was left gasping in shock at his arrogance.


I went back to the party feeling flustered. Mike's words were still ringing in my head. A waiter passed by and l grabbed a champagne flute from the tray.

That's right! This needed a damn drink!

I nearly choked on my drink when l spotted Rose and Felix huddled in a corner table chatting closely.

I nearly gasp when Felix leaned closer to Rose with a wicked grin on his face and whispered something in her ear. Rose smiled widely at him and began to laugh.

He reached forward and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. I grounded my teeth in frustration.

I can't believe Felix had picked my best friend for his next plaything!

I marched towards their table.

"Rose , l need to talk to you for a second," l said sharply.

Both of them looked up startled. l dragged Rose to the other side of the room.

"Are you crazy? Can't you tell he is a playboy," l scolded her.

Rose slightly shrugged.

"He sounded like a good guy to me."

"Felix is a walking one night stand. Steer clear from him," l warned her.

"Don't worry, Kay. I am not like those stupid girls. We were just talking."

I chuckled at her.

"Seriously! I know that look on your face. You were blushing like some stupid tomato in front of him."

Rose bursts out laughing.

"You like exaggerating."

"You have a good and caring boyfriend . Don't do that to drew. He ...."

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